Month Seven (1)

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Entering the month of March was not only hitting the seven-month mark for Ender, but Nevan's birthday is tomorrow.

Today is March 5th, and tomorrow Nevan will be turning twenty-seven.

"I already told you I don't want to go home," Nevan repeated for the thousandth time to his sisters, "why would they want to see me? I can already hear the judging."

He did not want to see his parents, but they have asked his sisters to try to get him to come home. He hasn't even told his family about Ender or the twins.

Nevan has been so busy with Ender, getting prepared for the babies, Ender's family, and work, that it never crossed his mind to tell them.

"Please, big brother. It has been a while. Mom and dad said they would tone it down. The last time the whole family was together was years ago." His little sister begged over the phone.

Ender shuffled into the room, holding his stomach as he cursed. He used his free hand to hold the couch's handle for a second. But then, he sneezed, making a disgusted face right after.

"Fuck, I peed myself a little once again," Ender muttered before he turned back around and left the room so that he could change his underwear.

Nevan internally chuckled, feeling the tightness in his chest leave when he watched Ender. He thought about how cute the man is.

"Nevan, just come down. You can leave if everything becomes too much. We all want to have a family dinner, even if it is just this once." His other sister pitched in.

Hearing her voice brought Nevan back to reality. He frowned as his lips formed a tight thin line, causing his piercing to dig into his upper lip.

He closed his eyes, counting down for a few seconds. Maybe he should go. Plus, he could bring Ender with him and finally tell his family about him and the pregnancy.

"Fine, but I'm bringing someone with me." Nevan finally responded.

His older and little sister jumped with joy. Nevan ignored it, telling them goodbye as he hung up the phone. Once he did, Ender entered the room again.

Ender had on an oversized sweater to fit over his stomach because his sweatpants did a terrible job. He started cursing in his head again about how he is ready for the babies to come out. He is not enjoying pregnancy at all.

Resting his head on the top of the couch, Nevan answered, "I've been busy with other things; I never told my family about the pregnancy or us. Plus, my sisters want me to come home and have a family dinner with my parents included.

"I don't want to, but I agreed to go so that I can finally tell them about you. Do you want to go with me? It is okay if you want to stay here."

Ender grabbed Nevan's hand, playing with the man's fingers, "You met my family, so it is only right that I meet yours. Plus, I can be there to support you. I also want you to spend your birthday with me, but I don't mind having others in the mix."

"So spoiled." Nevan smiled.

Ender playfully smirked, "I know."

Today is Nevan's birthday as the family group chat blew up with birthday wishes for him:

Liam, "Don't forget to continue with exercise; an old body brings weak bones."

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