Month Six (1)

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The month of February is finally here. It is the month that people call love since one of the days is Valentine. But for Ender, he is finally reaching the sixth month of his pregnancy.

And all Ender wanted to do was lie around because his feet felt swollen while his legs ached.

He wanted to tell Nevan that he did not want to go anywhere, but he had a doctor's appointment today. And it was an important one since he has to get a glucose screening done.

Why did today have to be the day that my body wanted to feel like crap?

Nevan walked into the room, going to where Ender was as he bent down. He picked up Ender's left foot and started massaging it, "How are you feeling?"

"Like crap."

Nevan hummed, switching to Ender's right foot as he started to massage it. "We can always reschedule."

"No. If we do, I might not end up wanting to go later on."

Ender pushed himself into a sitting position, causing Nevan to let go of his foot. "Let's go. The appointment is almost in two hours."

Nevan stood up as Ender used the couch's handle to help him stand. Ender started walking towards the door while Nevan entered the kitchen real quick to get a water bottle.

Once he grabbed the bottle, Nevan walked out of the house with Ender.

When they started driving to the doctor, Ender rubbed his stomach before saying, "I am hungry. No, I am starving."

For the glucose test, Ender decided to take the one-step one. The doctor told him that he couldn't eat or drink anything besides water for eight to fourteen hours before the test.

Ender regretted choosing that one because he is so hungry, he could eat a horse.

Rubbing his temples, Ender could feel the anger coursing through him. He wanted to curse but held his lips tightly closed instead of saying anything.

The car remained silent as Nevan drove on. He wanted to make Ender feel better, but he did not know what to say or do. So, he decided that silence was the best for Ender to calm down.

As they grew closer to the doctor, Ender let out a deep breath. He felt a bit guilty for yelling at Nevan. "I'm sorry," Ender muttered.

"It is fine. I told you I would take all your moods. You do not have to apologize to me, En." Nevan responded.

Ender bit his lip; he was getting ready to say something when one of the babies kicked him hard. He grabbed his stomach, his face scrunching in pain, but he kept quiet.

Nevan could see that Ender's face looked to be in pain from the corner of his eye. "What's wrong?"

"Nevan," Ender stopped himself from continuing because he felt himself getting ready to complain, "let's sit in silence."

Nevan hummed.

Another hard kick happened, causing Ender to curse internally. For a while now, the babies would kick him hard at random times. It was starting to grow annoying because Ender could never prepare himself for the pain.

Denial is the Way : Pregnancy  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now