Month Seven (2)

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Ender and Nevan went to a park with a track to get some simple exercise done.

They walked around the track as Nevan enjoyed the sun, and Ender complained about it. "Why did the sun have to be so bright today?" Ender groaned, shaking his top to give himself some air.

There was even sweat dripping down his forehead.

"We can stop if you want," Nevan spoke before taking a sip from the water bottle in his hand. Once he finished, he handed it to Ender.

Ender took the water bottle, taking a gulp but making sure not to drink it all. It made him feel better, but he still hated the sun. And his sweat didn't bother him as much as the weight his stomach is carrying.

"A few more minutes, then we can go. I am trying to still keep up with exercising even though I rather lay in bed all day. Maybe become a couch potato." Ender handed the water bottle back to Nevan.

Nevan closed the bottle, "Okay. Your mother is coming over, by the way. She wants to see the twins' room."

"Why is my mother talking and telling you more things than she does with me? I swear, are you dating her or me?"

"You. But I enjoy talking with your mother."

Ender rolled his eyes but did not say anything about it. He changed the subject instead. "We should buy the rugs for the room before going home. Also, is the house babyproof enough?"

Nevan thought for a while, picturing the home, even thinking about what he had done to babyproof the place. "Most of it. I still need to get some things done."


Ender took the water bottle, drinking it as Nevan started driving to the store.

"So, I was waiting for you to say something, but knowing you, it would take time. And time is already moving too fast, so I will ask instead. Do you want me to move in?" Nevan asked.

Ender paused in what he was doing, growing a bit nervous, "I do, but that is if you want to move in with me."

"I want to. I can give my home to my little sister so she could have something once she graduates from high school."

"Aw, such a sweet brother. And, If you tell your best friend that you want to move in with me, she will force my siblings to help you pack and bring it over to my house."

"I can hear the jealousy on the 'best friend' part."

Ender rolled his eyes. I am not jealous of my mother and Nevan's friendship. "Believe what you want."

Nevan chuckled, "You are so cute."

They returned home with two grey and white rugs. When they entered the home, Ender's mother was sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"I forgot you have a key to my house, mom," Ender spoke, jumping when he first saw her. He had one of the rugs in his hand, almost dropping it.

"I have the key to all my kids' houses. If anything happens, a locked door cannot keep me apart." His mother responded.

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