Chapter 14: Fighting

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Chapter 14: Fighting
Copyright 2021 by John Wells. All Rights Reserved.

Both girls got into martial arts after watching April’s parents. They practiced together, still in their actual bodies. Eventually, April’s small size became an advantage in their fights, unless Tina’s strength or speed trapped her. Stuart suggested to Tina’s parents to allow some of their fights to be public, as it would likely become very popular. This was done with Stuart and Mary selecting them and Tina’s parents approving them. Both girls quickly had first-class guaranteed the day they finished their second-class requirements.

After the extra long washing, April internally asked to be switched to the fighting mat with Tina. Tina looked at where they magically appeared and got into her fighting stance. April did too and said, “go”. Tina made the first move in their agreed upon convention. April countered, taking Tina off her feet with a sweep. She back flipped into a standing position using the backward momentum. They continued working themselves harder and faster than ever. The video reached number one of the hot today video list and left them sweaty and exhausted. It stayed on the trending list for weeks in the top hundred spots, bringing in billions of earned hours.

Their names were now well known by those fighting martial arts. Many teens asked them to fight, as only the third-class could request a fight against another third-class fighter. April asks mom and dad for advice. They said to accept all comers that have parent ’ permission for both the fight and video release. Tina’s parents also got advice from Stuart and Mary. Soon both girls were destroying seventeen-year-olds and were being trained by April’s parents daily. The other parents released some fights. But, only those released by Stuart and Mary made the hot today list because they only released excellent or better fights. The opponent needed to be a similar caliber fighter to the younger girls. It did not matter who won, but the fight had to go on for a decent time and show off excellence in skill.

Now, second-class or higher posted, they would accept a fight with these girls, hoping to get a request from them, a sleazy move, but technically legal. When Stuart or Mary lose a match against the girls, then and only then would they offer matches to adults. Neither had any plans for fighting the girls soon. They were not ready yet and still had more to learn to stand a chance. However, April pointed out that there was no reason to not accept them. It was not like it could hurt her. A decent match against an adult would be good for her popularity. Stuart countered you have enough earned hours now to last a lifetime. Mary agreed with April. She stated, “I will challenge them. If they fight reasonably close in ability to April, we let April fight them.” Stuart accepted the loss and let it happen.

Most took one look at the challenge and said no thank you. Mary fought five people. All but one was no competition to her daughter and a joke to her. Mary ended those matches quickly. That one was slightly better than April, so Mary let the match stretch out. She let the man show off all his moves before saying, “you got your match,” and put him down.

April watch that video in slow motion six times before her fight with him. She learns the tricks her mom had used to block the moves she did not know or was not strong enough to pull off. She could not use most of them because of her size or strength, but it was suggestions to consider later. The match was the following day.

There was a small group watching this match: Stuart, Mary, Tina, and Tina’s parents were there for April, while the man’s wife and child were there to watch him. April let the man take the offensive as she defended herself. It took a bit for him to adjust to fighting someone so short. Many early strikes missed without moving. April hit him multiple times, but did not have the strength to hurt him. However, the AI taught her pressure points that could cause pain when hit correctly, so she kept aiming at them. Likely, she would get a good hit in soon. If this were a death fight, she would hit his family jewels. But, these rules disallowed that. He tried to knock her off her feet, so she jumped and, on the way down, nailed the back of his knee. That caused him some pain. Normally, she did not read the mind of those she fought, so she tried hard not to. But the pain sucked her in and she saw his recovery move. She automatically shifted to interrupt it. She kicked the hand holding his body off the ground and broke his nose as he collapsed onto the mat. He surrendered at that point. There was nothing there to publish, so that did not happen.

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