Chapter 11: Settling

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Chapter 11: Settling
Copyright 2021 by John Wells. All Rights Reserved.

The AI created solar panel power supplies, server upgrades, and dwarfs to store everyone over those eight years. Based on existing first-class couples looking for kids and predictions for the future, the AI made enough for the next ten years. Arthur continued improving all the electronics. He studied everything electronic from all the new aliens. The fact he had to learn the languages and hunt for the details added to the fun. Between the various alien computers, he found some cool improvements in there. He updated the AI processors, with the improvements, to squeeze out some extra performance. The androids of the aliens had many significant improvements.

He switches the mini-ships to be androids with the same capabilities. While hugely bigger, they could walk on the planets.

Once the eight years of final expansion completed, there were many more decades to settle the final galactic empire. Languages and history needed to be learned, plus documented, for over one hundred thousand oxygen based planets just added to the empire. Fitting each species’ normal education and rules within the common galactic society would take years to get completed. Biologists must verify documentation for all life forms, from any planet, within all the star systems, for the entire timeframe of life on that planet.

The hardest part for June was finding the leaders of the alien empire. Their AI ran the empire. It picked which food was with birth control and what couple settled on the next planet. The aliens had no input or control of their society. Conversation with them was boring and uninformative, as it stretched their mental ability. Eventually, June randomly picked nine from different planets that lived, as the top of the heap on that planet. The home planet’s being became the top council leader. The council took over selecting courses to reach second-class that made sense to educate them similar to the others on the council. They ended up needing upwards to twenty-five years to reach second class, once done, so we gave them thirty years as their cutoff age for the older residents. Fitting, given this was how long their life previously was. The species were called ‘Infantes Facit’ using Latin, meaning ‘Making Babies.’

Although the females outnumbered the males nine to one, the males were firmly in control. They viewed the females as sexual conquests nothing more. Hundreds of males would take females in heat, with no say in the matter. Afterwards, the males left for the next female in heat. The females would care for the litter for a single year until the birth of their next.

June pushed the historians to discover what created this mess. They did not have the skills to create the AI or spaceships. They got educated enough to produce food from the machines and babies. Their knowledge was like trained rats. The courses their AI had taught were language, family care, and counting, nothing else. In her mind, they failed family care by kicking babies out on their own, so more can be born. That dad found others to have sex with immediately after proving family was beyond his ability or desire.

Gloria used her vision to suggest a timeframe required for the scenario to use. She and Corinne entered that scenario. It did not take long to find another species that seemed in control, though it required searching most of the planet to find them and their spaceship. These new aliens used the same language, with many additional words. The spaceship being a hint that they came from another star system. She cloned a ship into its own scenario like done initially by the human AI. All the new councillors had to agree to the terms. While they can recommend, June made the final decision.

They switched to that scenario and started looking into the AI’s database. It contains a list of stops the ship makes when on automatic. There was a star system listed that no longer existed in the future version of that database. She asks the mini-ship in that star system to perform a time scan, which it did.

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