Chapter 28: Course

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Chapter 28: Course
Copyright 2022 by John Wells. All Rights Reserved.

April and Tina made a list of all the stuff that was required to be done. First, the various food stuffs desired, including the many they had forgotten about. Each had existing instructions on producing them the fast way, so they only added the by hand differences. They included things they did not do that most would want, such as collecting the gas produced by yeast that makes soda bubble or creating clay or acrylic for modes, since no magic is required. They got a list of the most popular ingredients for all species and made sure all got included.

The pair timelined the entire process, being sure the house was stocked prior to switch over to using only stuff you made. They gave estimates for tasks doing them the slow way. They made both acrylic and clay so they could make modes out of them to prove they could pour copper and stainless steel into them. The pair made tools to lift and pour the metals so there was no chance to get burned by splatters.

They made tools to make threads so covers could close tightly. Modes with air were at the molecular level so they could make threads. Clay or acrylic made by hand can not deal with the molecules, so needed more processing after the fact to add them.

All the magic they did had to be replaced with non-magic equivalents. They had to include glue to stick wood to metal or glass, cement to stick rock to rock, and solder to stick metal to metal. Adding gas to rubber to make it foam was required as well. They proved that each replacement worked as needed for twenty years using the time trick.

They had to use wood timbers to support the mine instead of fusing the cracks together. This changed the timeline because they needed the lumber mill long before the forge and other buildings.

They added making slate shingles and how to place them on the roof, having done it to their house. They continued with both other buildings because they love the look.

The pair made chains so the horses can pull the quarried or mined material home. They documented both processes and used it to pull huge chunks of slate for the roof. They split the chunks into shingles at the house.

They made honey by raising their own bees. It was not something they used, but it was a popular tea additive.

They did the similar thing with chocolate for bars, milk, cake, frosting, and cocoa. They seldom had desserts, so had planned on fruit pies only. But chocolate bars were hugely popular and those other products were fairly popular.

This lead to various candy items. They took the AI’s suggestions of which, making them and their ingredients before documenting them.

They made a bunch of popular drinks so they could get documented. They drink water mostly. One cup of coffee in the morning most days, but occasionally at dinner. Tea was after most dinners.

They had tobacco growing, but it was not ready to harvest as yet. When it finally was, they documented the harvesting and usage. They occasionally smoked cigars. Cigarettes were not something they were familiar with. But, they made them both with and documented multiple methods.

They made alien meals. Growing the ingredients needed and harvesting them before documenting the process. They left the process open to allow growing any needed ingredient required for your personal recipe. All edible plants and animals already had documentation that covered growing or raising them for food. The timeline just covered when to do so based on how seriously you wished to be self-sufficient.

Another popular grain was oatmeal. Not something they dealt with. They had to grow the grain, harvest it, and make it into a few different versions of the cereal and bread. Then, document the whole thing.

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