Chapter Twelve: See through me

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The days flew by and it already was my last night in California, school would start in 3 days and I still hadn’t bought any of the materials needed for my second semester. Ria has been amazing, she took me to the local restaurants, made me breakfast in bed every other day and we would have a movie night after she would come back from school.

The sexual tension could be felt in Canada probably, every make out session getting us closer and closer. My biggest fear being the distance that we’ll have afterwards and how would it affect us.

She looks at me with those big blue eyes that can see through me.

“Penny for your thoughts?” she smiles softly.

“It’s nothing” I glance to the floor and return her smile.

“Talk to me babe” she reaches for my hand and forces me to look into her eyes, my resolve already fading to the background.

“I’m scared of things changing” I sigh.

Her lips brush against mine in a barely the kiss. “Everything will fall unto its place” she says to my lips. I kiss her soundly, the feeling of her lips moving in sync with mine makes my toes curl. I feel her tongue slide through my lower lip, silently asking for permission. I quickly grant it and soon our tongues begin a battle for dominance that no one cares to win. My hands move from her waist to her ass and lift her to my lap. Our bodies dancing against each other searching for more contact. My nails rake up her back lifting her shirt in the process and leaving Goosebumps in their wake. She sucks my tongue in her mouth and my body arches against hers making our breast brush against each other and a moan escape my throat.

The kiss becomes more desperate as our body starts aching for more.

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