Chapter Four: You Again.

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“Hello? Dave?” I called out. A boy chuckled in the other line. “No it’s Johnny”.

“Oh… Is Dave there?”

Who the heck is Johnny? I laughed in my head since two days ago it was Danny. Dave was afraid of committing. He feared that if he settled now he might lose his youth. I in the other hand rather be in relationships, I’m not good with change, and I can’t have sex without meaning. I need to make love.

“Hey Tam!” Dave responded, a little out of air.

“Hi…” Would he want me to save him from this new guy?

“Dave, do you have plans for the day?” I was discreet in case he had me on speaker. “Want me to pick you up; I have to go to the supermarket?” I continued.

“Oh Tam, you and supermarkets” he laughed his flirty laugh and I pictured him facing the floor but looking up at the guy and playing with his phone’s chord.

“Sorry,” he said snapping me back to reality, “I’ve got a date with Johnny here but I’ll see you tonight”. I was relieved that he was still coming. “Thank God, I wouldn’t want to be left alone with those animals” I mocked suffering. He laughed and asked if Johnny could come. “Are you in love Mr. Bennett?” I wooed at him. “Maybe” he said shyly. We bid our farewells and I moved on to call Lucy.


Lucy is my best girl friend, she is like the sister I never had.

“Hey Tam, is the party still on for tonight?” she yawned.

“Yeah we are, do you want to help me prep for it? I’ve got to get some stuff in the supermarket”. I was silently hoping.

“I can’t, I promised my mom I’d go to the mall with her” she sounded sorry.

“It’s ok, see you tonight!” I said and hung up after she said bye.

Walking down the aisle in the supermarket I noticed a shiny square thingy for decorations and I couldn’t look away from it. All of the sudden… BANG! I crashed my cart against someone and she fell on the shelf.

“Oh my, you again!” I squeaked in panic, her sister will kill me!

“Were you paid to kill me?” she laughed in such a sweet melody.

“Are you ok? Oh my God you’re bleeding!” I feared for my life and looked around for her ass kicking sister. “I’m Ria by the way,” she extended her arm to greet me, I replied.

“Let me see if I have some tissues to clean your scratch” I search my too big purse and found a napkin from MacDonald’s and a band-aid. “May I?” I shakily took her arm and wiped away the blood and put the band-aid on.

“Is there anything I can do for you? Do you feel anything broken? Do you want me to call an ambulance? I continued rambling and searching for her sister. She extended her arms and held me still, first time I saw her, and I mean actually see her…admire her. She had the biggest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, black straight hair and a beautiful smile to make any winter night warm. All of the sudden I was speechless.

She smiled. “Are you going to tell me your name?” she was trying to get me to look at her in the eyes but I couldn’t even breathe.

“Is someone in there?” she shook me a little and I finally reacted. Sort of.

“I-uh-I…my name..uh..Tam…Tamara..” hardest sentence I’ve ever spoken.

“Nice to meet you Tamara, are you ok?” she looked a little concerned and I felt I was going to faint.

“I’m fine, do-do you want me to take you to the- uh…” What’s the name of the place you take people to when they are hurt? Come on brain work!! I don’t know if she noticed how stupid I think I look, but she seemed to enjoy. I got a little offended and defensive.

“Am I amusing you?” she seemed confused as I spat the words out.

“Just because your beauty has made me speechless, doesn’t mean you get to look at as if I was a little puppy” or a moron. The words came out like vomit. I didn’t mean to freak out like that!

“I’m sorry,” her musical voice was calming, “I didn’t mean to offend you, you just looked adorable” she apologized.

“Like a dog?” I retorted sarcastically.

“No, I felt like a star” and she gave some poses as if there were paparazzi around. If only she knew how beautiful she looked, she does seem like a movie star.

“Do you want to come to my party?” It kind of came off like a scream, as the words blurted out of my mouth. This was like the car wreck from last night.

“Huh?” She let go of me and as I noticed that she still had her hands on me I suddenly missed her.

This time confident I asked her again. “Do you want to go to a party my brothers and I am having at our house?” it came out a little bit shaky.

“Is it a habit to ask strangers to your home?” she laughed and it sounded like a song.

“No, but you seem harmless.” I replied, trying to sound witty.

“Now who is being compared to a dog now?” she lifted an eyebrow and looked sexy and intimidating at the same time but then she smiled, and she just looked amazing.

“I- I didn’t mean it that way” I was again freaking out, and started walking away. “I’m sorry, I’m gonna go now.”

She put her hand over mine and it made my knees weak. I felt shivers go up my spine. “I’ll go to your party,” she lifted my hand and wrote her name and number with a heart next to it. “Where’s your house at?” she asked, giving my hand back.

“Is your house where- uh- I almost ran you over?” I tried to put it differently but couldn’t.

“Yeah that’s my father’s home” she replied in a chuckle.

“Ok, you know the next block, there’s a huge gate…” I started explaining, “yeah my dad, says there all assholes who think way too much of themselves…” she interrupted.

“…well that’s my place” I said and she flinched as if she thought I would slap her.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to disrespect, your house is beautiful…I’m not even from here!” how does it feel to be on my side now? I have to admit it was super cute watching her be all flustered, a smile escaped my lips.

“Let us proof you wrong, we are pretty normal… I even do our own groceries!” I added the end to not directly flirt with her.

I hoped that if I had to bump into someone every day of my life, it would be her. 

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