Chapter Seven: I CAN'T get you out of my head!

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Writer's note:

I decided to play with the points of view of the character, I wanted you guys to see what Ria sees, so this chapter will be in her point of view. I hope you enjoy it as much and I enjoyed writing it! Don't forget to comment!!



I woke up with my foot being licked by the cutest puppy in the world (seemed to be a 1-2 months golden retriever). I picked him up to pet and I couldn’t help but look around her room again, not getting over its beauty, it’s an octagonal room with white pillars in all the edges and light purple walls. Every wall (that didn’t have a door or anything on it) had a big frame with either a sketch or a colorful painting. Next to the white closet door was a glass shelf with a few trophies on top and four guitars under (a sky blue and white Fender, a black one that said PXD Tragic on top, a light purple YAMAHA, and lastly an Epiphone semi-acoustic, hollow body guitar) all beautiful. Her bed also had white pillars and of course light purple sheets matching perfectly her walls. Her floor is white marble with a huge purple with white zebra print carpet next to her bed and in front of her white dresser and nightstand. The ceiling actually had a sky and it looked amazing!

“Oh… good you’re up!” she smiled as she walked in the room.

She leaned to give me a peck on the lips but since I wasn’t expecting her to, I backed away as reflex, her face filled with confusion(looked amazing), I looked up to her eyes and smiled apologetically and she smiled back. I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, she grabbed my face and we kissed (a good, passionate kiss) our lips moving in sync, she led and I followed hopelessly. I felt like not stopping…ever, but she broke the kiss to catch her breath. I gave her my winner’s smile and she gave me a quick kiss and took my hand and pulled me out the door.

The house, or shall I say mansion, was of course huge! The upstairs had a balcony so you could clearly see the common room. The room was very open; it had a C type black sofa and a lot of white pillows around and a red carpet on top of the white floor. On the wall was a gigantic screen, like in the movie theatre and looking to the side, I of course found the projector on the ceiling.  We went down the spiral staircase that led to the other side which was the entrance which wasn’t as big as you would expect but still big enough; it was made of stone, I can’t really explain its magnificence. She led me through the common room and opened the sliding doors and we entered the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!

“It’s beautiful!” was the only thing I managed to say.

“Thanks” she smiled, “It’s the only thing I have of my Nana”.

Her expression changed to gloom and I couldn’t help but take her in my arms.

“Who’s Nana?” I asked, unsure if I should’ve said anything.

“My grandma, we were really close. We made this together, since I was 5 till the day she died.” I could feel her pain, she clearly hasn’t gotten over it.

“When did she-” I was cut short by her lips.

“She died like 3 months ago” she sighed, “I miss her terribly, she was the only one that knew I’m gay, I swear I could tell her anything!” I felt her mood go up again. “I planted this one today, it’s for you” she showed me a white rose in the middle of the red rose garden.

“It symbolizes how pure you seem to me” she explained as she showed me that that was the only white rose in the whole garden.

The garden (sort of like a green room) but fully wood, had no ceiling and wood windows all around, the walls outside were covered in red rose vines  and inside had the walls covered in red roses too, and I mean everywhere. In between the whole garden, was a rustic coffee table and there sat our breakfast.

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