Chapter Nine: Guess What?

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Hey guys, sorry it took a while to upload, writer's block has been killing me lately and it's been hard to find my groove, I apologize in advance for any errors that you might find in the story. I appreciate so much your support and I hope you enjoy the chapter :)


Tam's POV

Today, I woke up next to Ria’s shaking body.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving today” I whispered as I held her tighter to me and kissed the back of her neck.

“I knew this day would come but I never thought I’d feel this way about leaving” her tears became more evident as she turned to face me.

I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.

“I’m going to miss you” I said, “but I promise you that I’ll visit you soon” I gave her my best smile in hopes to cheer her up.

Remember when I said we had to take it slow, and we didn’t do anything? Well we hadn’t done anything like that yet, though we have come close. I just really wanted to wait until we were official and her leaving wasn’t making it reassuring.

“I’m gonna miss you too Tam” she whispered as the tears flowed down her cheeks and into my shirt. Her blue eyes now like glass lost their shine, she seemed so upset about this and I didn’t know what else I could tell her to feel better.

“What time is your flight again?” I asked already knowing what the answer was.

“12:30pm…” The purpose I mentioned this was for-

“Oh shit! I’m going to be late!” …Exactly for that. She rushed out of the bed and got dressed in like 2 seconds. I laughed at her hysterics still lying relaxed on my bed.

“Do I have to call Zooey to take me to the airport?” she asked frantically. I frowned at her and she immediately changed her from loony to sweet and sorry, her smile did not reach her eyes though I could see she was still upset about leaving.

I stood from the bed and got dressed calmly to try and irritate her again, she looks so cute pissed off.

Ria’s POV:

To be honest, I don’t understand Tam’s attitude, these past weeks she has been doing anything and everything to get my attention, and to get me to go out with her. She really didn’t need to make such efforts though since I really liked her but now that I am hinting her that I don’t want to go to stay with she has nothing to say! Seriously what the fuck! I was getting so frustrated about her attitude that I had forgotten my flight was in an hour! I was so late! Thankfully I had already had all my stuff in Tam’s car prepared for this to happen. The airport was like 30 minutes away so if we got out now, and didn’t get any traffic we’d be able to make it just fine.

“Come on Tam, walk faster!” I yelled as she walked towards the front door. I was already in front of the car.

When she finally got to the car, she started walking towards me, she stared right to my eyes and I couldn’t help but get lost in hers, next thing I knew I was being pushed against the car door and being kissed on. She started with a strong peck, patiently waiting for me to analyze what was happening…probably waiting for me to give her more access. I spread my lips apart a little expecting anxiously hers to come back to mine. To my surprise instead of a kiss, I felt her tongue brush through my lower lip and she bit it gently grabbing my thighs and lifting me up. My legs around her waist and my arms snaked around her neck we kissed so passionately I forgot to breathe. I felt something wet touch my cheeks and a sting in my eyes and I realized I was crying again. Tam pulled away and furrowed her brows in confusion.

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