Chapter Thirteen: My world

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You know when in movies they show Earth from space, how big and bright blue it looks, that’s what is feels looking at her eyes. Her hair jet black, like the sky from that same movie scene, it just flows to her face covering the both of us as we kiss. Her body as always warm to the touch igniting the fire that is growing between us. Her hands stroking my chest, sends shivers to my spine making me arch towards her. We move in synch as our lips set the pace to our goodbye. As fast as we came to be and quickly as I fell in love with her, I can’t help but be so sure that she is who I will always want. It was an inevitability, it was destiny; it was Serendipity.

Someone that gives me so much to hope for, that I know will never hurt me, someone to love.

I love her.

“I love you”

Between batted breaths, her big blues found my browns; she took my face in her hands. She smiled the world a better place. My sadness, my fears gone just with a smile.

I love her.

“I love you”

Her lips caught mine, her love poured onto me. I felt it through every bone, every muscle, and every nerve. Her eyes found mine again, those worlds that shine so bright, it came out as a whisper but it felt like a shout.

“I love you too”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 ⏰

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