Chapte Six: God Bless Their Genes! (rewritten)

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I guess asking for a stress free party was too much.

“Who the hell is she?!” Liz screeched. She started getting closer to Ria wanting to hit her and soon enough from behind her appeared Zooey who pulled her so hard Liz fell to the floor.

“What the fuck?” Liz looked up at Zooey a little pissed off and very intimidated.

“Are you sure you want to get close to her?” Zooey asked her and at the same time gave me a threatening look.

As much as she scared me I would never stop wanting Ria.

Liz stood up and tried to get behind me for me to defend her. Typical! She grabbed my arm but I pulled away and stood beside Ria.

“Don’t worry Zooey,” I looked at her like asking permission to use her name. “Violence won’t be necessary she is leaving.” I finished looking at Liz and signaled to the door.

“Bu-but Tay what the hell?” she started walking towards the door, tears building up in the edge of her eyes. I really feel sorry for her but I can’t deal with her today. “Liz, just leave, it’s over.” And she was out the door. I feel really bad now. I was with her for three years, and I had a lot of my firsts with her. Though I’m not in love with her anymore I still care and I know that kicking her out really hurt her but I just don’t know how else to make it clear anymore. Sure enough my good mood was now gone.

Ria smiled apologetically and I couldn’t help but smile back though I bet I came out more like a grimace. She grabbed my hand and it kind of made me feel better but Liz was in the back of my mind.

“Want to talk about it?” she asked and started leading me to my room.

“I didn’t invite you for us to be talking about my ex, let’s have fun and talk later” I said stopping her and she nodded but still seemed concerned.

As we entered the pool party Timmy and Heather ran towards me and started expressing their apologies…loudly. I then realized that I had a huge headache. They explained how Heather thought it’d be nice to invite Liz now that I had come out to them.

“Tam, I’m really sorry, I didn’t know and she didn’t tell me anything” Heather rambled on.

I put my finger in her lips.

“Please stop” I stated, almost begging. She looked at me confused. The pain was getting so unbearable that I unconsciously crinkled my nose.

“I need a drink” I said heading towards the bar. Timmy ran to the bar to prepare me a drink and he was going to put rum I slapped his hand and nuh-uh him. He laughed.

“I thought you needed a drink?” he questioned raising his eyebrow. “I didn’t say an alcoholic one!” he screamed in laughter I probably looked like shit. I blushed feeling the stares of everyone there and Tom came to save me from myself. He dragged me to the kitchen and filled a cup with water and gave me some aspirin to ease my headache, I guess as twins he knew what I was feeling.

“Tam, you have to forget about it, she’ll be fine” he was raising the cup on my mouth to make sure I drank it all as I gulped (and by gulped I mean slightly choke) Tom managed to spill the water all over my vest. I gave my brother a sneer that got him a little nervous so he quickly ran away like the chicken he is.

Behind me I heard a small giggle and as I turn around (swiftly I may add) I notice who it was coming from, I halt in surprise, I wonder how long has she been standing there, I felt my eyes grow big and her giggle became a sweet musical laugh. She had her head down but her eyes looking at mine teasingly, provoking me to kiss her again. I feel like I should wait a little longer before I follow up the kiss (though I’m dying to feel her lips once more).

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