Chapter One: Venting

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My face was sore as I relived this afternoon event. As I feel my face, I pictured Liz’ slap in front of everyone in the field. My ex-girlfriend has yet to come to terms with the fact that we’re through. The reason she slapped me was because I blew her off for the fifth time this week, I broke up with her 2 months ago, and I’m getting real tired of her bullshit. If it weren’t for the fact that we signed on for the same courses this semester I would happily avoid her the rest of my college years, sadly I was only a freshman.

Liz was the first girl I was ever with and truly loved, or so I thought given the fact that I can’t stand her presence now. There are many good memories left, but there are more bad memories replacing them. Her nagging finally came clear in her last few months as she accused me of cheating because of talking to my best friend. She questioned everything I did and nothing was ever good enough for her. I finally decided to end it and move on.

“Why is it that you couldn’t wait for me to pick you up?” Liz voice was as annoying in my memory as in real life.

“Liz, I have a car I don’t need a ride to college nor do I want one, especially from you” I know I’m coming off as an asshole but it is hard to tolerate her for this long.

All I want to do is go home and have a warm bath and sleep! School has been tough these past days, Christmas break is coming soon and professors are preparing for mid-terms so basically I’m always tired. Today was especially exhausting since I spent 5 hours looking for evidence of two crimes. I am studying forensics, like CSI, but mostly I would like to be a mix of Hodgins and Angela from Bones.

People don’t think much of me, they think since I’m pretty that I’m not smart or need to be but I don’t really give a damn. My 4.0 will remain a secret between my professors and me.

“Finally” I sighed relaxed and too soon my phone started ringing. “Ugh!” I extended my arm to reach my pants and take the cell phone out. The caller ID lets me know that it’s my brother Tom.

Tom, my twin, has spent the whole day trying to convince me to have a party in our place since our parents would be celebrating their second honeymoon.

“Tammy, come on what do you say and let us host the party, we’ll do everything, and you won’t have to worry about a thing!” he said eagerly.

“Fine, Thomas, but you are cleaning the mess up afterwards!” I let it be clear that I wasn’t going to be involved in any pee mopping, puke scraping or cup picking.

Tom is my crazy brother compared to Timmy, who is the organized and good child of the family (he is still a little wild though), he is always partying and was recently kicked out of his frat house for trashing his room, and for getting a few members in a lot of trouble with the police. Tom is an amazing student and though like me no one expects us to be smart we are probably the best in class. He decided to study business management because he hopes to one day start his own business like our dad.

The party was going to be in our indoor pool since it is cold out. In two days our place will be crawling half naked college men, a girls dream! 

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