Chapter Ten: She's Perfect Ma'am

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Walking and wandering off to my thoughts resulted challenging due to my inability to coordinate successfully around her. My hands still shake when I’m about to touch her and my knees went weak when we kissed. I tried playing it cool so I wouldn’t totally embarrass myself and it worked…most times. My mind wandered to how a week would be in her world, with her friends and school and living in her house.

Ria gripped my wrist and stopped me on my tracks, snapping me back to reality. She had a weird look on her face, her eyes hinted..I don’t know what but it was weird, gorgeous but weird.

“What’s wrong?” I asked trying not to sound creepily worried.

She smiled a weak smile.

“Two things,” I nodded for her to continue.

“Well first off you were about to crash into this trashcan” I looked down to where she was pointing and noticed the black metal trashcan in front of me. I couldn’t help laugh.

“Second,” she mumble, “I just want to apologize.”

My laughter ceased and my brows furrowed almost instantly.

“What do you mean?” I was seriously unaware of what was going on, how long was I zoning out?

“Oh God!” Ria sighed.

“Maria dear,” yelled a woman not too far away from us. I could tell it was her mother because of her hair and something in her sweet expression.

“Hey Mom” Ria said in an awkward kind of way. Her mom hugged her tightly and gave me an odd look, like she was trying to calculate why I was there.

“Mom this is Tamara” Ria motioned towards me and her mom smiled from ear to ear and just like that I was wrapped in a warm embrace.

“Mom let go of her!” Ria plead our of embarrassment. Her mom ignored her and kept hugging me.

“Mother she can’t breathe!” with that said her mom let go of me.

“Maria don’t you ever call me ‘mother’ again” she warned.

“Stop calling me Maria then” Ria snapped. Her mom gave her a scowl but then brushed it off and turned her attention to me, the me that probably looked like an idiot amused by their small fight.

“Tamara, I’ve heard wonders about you!” Ria’s mom extended her hand. “My name is Ana by the way.” I quickly took her hand and shook it not wanting to seem rude.

I was speechless not because of shock but because I was afraid of saying something stupid and ruin everything. I still had no idea to what extent of Ana’s knowledge about us. Maybe she thought we were just friends.

“So is it hard to have my daughter as your girlfriend?” Or maybe she knew. I gave her a fake confused look but I was just amazed by their sister like behavior.

“I mean is she a pain in the ass to you?” she explained and Ria gave me an ‘I dare you’ look.

“She’s perfect ma’am” I said honestly.

Ria’s mom started laughing and that made Ria blush and scowl at the same time. It was such a funny face I couldn’t help but join Mrs. Martin in her laughing fit.

After what seemed 4 hours but were merely minutes we finally got to the car. The cushions were heaven for my booty and my feet.

“So where to?” Mrs. Martin asked excitedly.

“Take us to my apartment please” Ria sounded grumpy, she was probably tired.

“C’mon Ria lighten up, we have to show Tammy around!” she continued to get more excited. It made ‘Tammy’ feel awkward.

“I’m going to show her your school first and then our home and then I’ll take you to your apartment” decided she drove off the airports parking lot.

As intrigued as I was to know how her school was like and as much as I wanted to learn my way around here, I lost the fight against sleep.

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