Chapter Eleven: Are We There Yet?

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“Tam, baby wake up!” Ria’s voice snapped me out back to reality.

“Are we there yet?” my voice was hard and my throat soar, I was probably snoring. A blush creeping to my cheeks at the realization I look at Ria as she laughed that pretty laugh that made everything better but right now I was mortified.

I started looking around to get the feel of Ria’s room but got utterly confused at the sight. I was in my own room and Ria’s suitcases were all over the place as she got dressed.

“Tam, hurry up! I’m gonna miss my flight” she gave me some pants and threw a jacket from my closet door.

“Just wear this, let’s go!” she started putting make up on which is weird because she only wore make up for parties. I got my pants on and zipped up my jacket got the first pair of shoes I saw and made my way to brush my teeth and finally walked to my car not bothering to comb my hair.

I was so confused about what was going that I couldn’t care less of my appearance. I waited for Ria in the car getting even more frustrated by the second. This was so surreal, what the hell had happened? I couldn’t believe it was all just a dream and that it was over. I can’t believe I have to go through saying goodbye again. Is Ria’s mom even like that?

My phone started ringing it’s music letting me know it was my mother.

“Hey mom, what’s up?” I tried to sound composed though I was on the verge of tears.

“Hello sweetheart, your father and I need you to pick us up at the airport at 2, could you do that?” she ended the question kind of sarcastically which made me want to hang up and move to China.

“Can’t Tommy do it?” I replied calmly despite my feelings.

I could see Ria coming out of the door. She gave me a ‘what-the-hell’ look. She look hot as hell and adorable all at the same time. She was covered in suitcases since I forgot to help her with some. I silently apologized and signaled her to wait out there which earned me another look. Great, just perfect! My mom was already babbling about why my brother couldn’t pick them up but I wasn’t paying much attention given that I knew that Tommy was looking for apartments.

“So can you?” she finished.

“Yes mother, I can’t wait” this time I couldn’t hold the sarcasm back and I winced waiting for her to yell about how that is not the way she raised me to speak to her or anyone else. Blah. But she just said her goodbyes and I see you later things and hung up. Shit! She is probably going to wait till we are home.


Seems now that I can’t make my realistic dream come true and just go with Ria to California after all.

Her ticket passed perfectly and after a quick, tearless goodbye she left through security check and towards her gate.

I turned confused as… I don’t know what! I started walking toward the arrivals part of the airport and waited for my parents to well…arrive.


Hey guys, I know the chapter is MEGA short but I still had to put it to catch you up to what will come after, I dislike angst in all sorts of ways but I know that I can't keep the story all cute all the time. I promise I will work hard on making the drama pass as fast as possible. I hope you all enjoy . Thanks for reading. xx

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