Chapter Three: Like ripping out a Band-Aid.

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Today, was going to be a busy day, and tonight will be crazy with my brothers throwing the huge party in our house. Tom loved to party and Timmy wanted to celebrate, so it was going to be outrageous! I finally gave in for Timmy, he has never had a chance to party, like Tom and I have, since our father asked him to work for him right out of high school, he never even got the chance to go to college, but now he is one of the best business men I’ve met and he’s only 25. Our father is the founder of an import-export company named Grant’s. It’s famous throughout the states and internationally. Timmy just got promoted to vice-president of the company and with that it’s clear who the company will belong to. Thank God! The only thing I know about managing anything is my allowance, and I barely do that correctly.

My family has no idea I like girls…like like girls. They just think I’m shy around boys, because I finally told them that the boy they thought I’d marry, my best friend Dave, was gay. My dad is an open minded man, but my mother is a little bit more on denial. I think they suspect that I was in a relationship with Liz, but they would never talk to me about it.

My mom is a doctor, so like my dad, I barely see her. Thanks to my dad’s company she was able to open her own private clinic, and with some fund raising and donation she is able to treat and do research for people without means to pay. She is a great humanitarian, and she always wants to help no matter what.

Timmy and Tom also suspect but I haven’t had the guts to say it yet, though I know they wouldn’t change.

Today started with a sweet fall in the bathtub, who forgot to clean out the conditioner from the floor?  “THOMAS?!!” I could hear him running up the stairs and knock on the door, “Tom, did you leave conditioner all over the bathtub?!” He opened the door and immediately I knew he was guilty. “Why do you always have to use my bathroom?” I threw an empty bottle of conditioner at him and hit his leg. “Let me help you up, are you ok?” he said concerned. My brother and I often find ourselves in naked situations, so we got over the ‘you can’t see me naked’ issue a long time ago. This year we decided on getting our own apartment closer to our college. I needed to tell him about the girls.


“Yeah Tam?”  He asked with his sweet little brother tone.

“Tom…” I closed my eyes “I’m gay!” I spat I out, like ripping out a Band-Aid.

He laughed, “Tam, I am your twin brother, do you really think I wouldn’t already know?”

He’s right but it felt good letting it out. “Should I tell Timmy?” I asked a little scared. “He knows too, we love you Tamara no matter what.” He smiled widely and I wanted to hug him. But I was rinsing my shampoo and he was sitting in the toilet. I heard the door open and a cold breeze come in. “Timmy, she’s out!!” Tom screamed, “FINALLY” Timmy laughed. “Heather, baby, Tam is out!” Timmy yelled to Heather, his girlfriend who apparently was also waiting for me to just say it. All I heard was laughter; I couldn’t help but laugh along.

“Tam, we are working on a list of things we need for you to pick up at the supermarket while we decorate the pool.” He said and I agreed. I loved grocery shopping!

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