Chapter 1️⃣7️⃣

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(RM's POV)

Saturday passed in a blur. On Friday, after coming back home I had texted Taehyung and Jungkook my address absent-mindedly. Mom was very upset after hearing that I couldn't successfully invite Jin and when Dad suggested that I text him, both Mom and I had disagreed wholeheartedly.

So when Sunday finally came, I found myself laying on my bed, unwilling to get up. After starting my day with a deep sigh, I finally got up and headed straight to the kitchen, “Mom, you need any help?”

“Hmm? No swee- actually. Please hand me that pot.”

I chuckled as I picked up the said pot and handed it over to her, “Anything else?”

“Freshen up first, Son. I'll help your Mom.” Dad said from behind me.

“You haven't brushed yet? Oh Joon...go and get ready! They'll be here soon!”

“They won't be here till noon, Mom...” I murmured to myself while making my way back to my room.

It took me around fifteen minutes to get ready and after I was done, I sat down on my bed, “Now what?” my eyes fell over the desk where all my books were, “I don't feel like...” I sighed and let myself fall free. My back hit the bed with a soft thud and I found myself staring at the ceiling blankly.

What's the meaning of them coming over if Jin isn't coming... Maybe...maybe I should have just texted him...

As my thoughts kept progressing, my eyes started becoming heavier.


(Jin's POV)

“Aren't you going?” Taehyung asked me during breakfast on Sunday.

“Go where?” Mom and I both asked at the same time.

“To your boyfriend's house, of course!”



And it was not even to my surprise that all hell broke loose after that. Amidst Taehyung and my bickering, Mom kept asking who my boyfriend was and since when I had one. It took me an hour to explain everything to them and by the time I finished, I was on the verge of losing my mind.

“So... you two aren't dating?”

“Yes, Mom...”

“But why?”

I sighed in frustration but after hearing Taehyung snicker, I soon felt annoyed, “It takes two people to be in a relationship, Mom.”

“Soooo... you want to date him, huh?” Taehyung snickered again.

“If you don't shut up on your own, I'll have to shut you up myself.” I threatened with a forced smile on my face.

Taehyung grinned and said, “That aside...are you going or not? Namjoon told us to come by noon.”


“Don't tell me he didn't invite you.”

“He did! He did! I just couldn't reply to his note...the teach-”

“Oh so that's what you guys were talking doesn't matter that you didn't reply. You can just come with me.”

“I don't know Tae-”

“Oh common! Jimin can't go and I don't want to go alone. Go get ready!” with that Taehyung left.

I sighed and thought to myself...why do I not feel good about this...?


Four hours later, we were on our way to Namjoon's house and I was basically being dragged by Taehyung.

“Why does he live so far away?” Taehyung complained while looking down at his phone, he was having trouble finding the address, “Can you stop? I can't find anything!”

“I'm not even moving!” I huffed in reply and started looking around. We were standing in the middle of a fairly empty road, with medium-sized houses on both sides of it.

“He's not even picking up his phone...” Taehyung looked at me and continued, “Should we just go back home?”

“It's too late fo- hey? It's that Jungkook?” I noticed a boy walking towards us in the distance.

“Jungkook?” Taehyung turned around to see what I was seeing and when he saw the younger, the only sound that came out of his mouth was ‘oh’.

Upon noticing us, Jungkook quickened his pace. “Calm down, dude,” I said when he stopped in front of us, completely breathless. Taehyung was frozen in his place.

“Seokjin Hyung, right?” he asked to which I nodded my head, “Are you going to Namjoon hyung's place?”

To my surprise, I noticed that he wasn't looking at Taehyung; his eyes were fixed on me, “Yeah... actually we can't find his home.” I replied, making sure to emphasize the ‘we’.

At this Taehyung seemed to come back to his senses, “ You going too, right? You know the way?”

And that is how the three of us found our way to Namjoon's house together. As Jungkook rang the doorbell, I suddenly felt nervous again.

A few seconds later, a woman, definitely Namjoon's mom, opened the door and greeted us cheerfully, “Hello come in!”

While we were taking our shoes off, Mrs Kim continued, “I have been calling him but he isn't answering... seems like he fell asleep. You guys can go up to his room.”

“Okay,” Taehyung replied and grabbed both Jungkook and my hand. We just barged into his room and as we thought, he was sleeping.

“Go wake him up,” Taehyung said while shoving me towards the bed.

I hesitantly gave him a light shake which surprisingly woke him up.

“Jin? I dreaming?”

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