Chapter 8️⃣

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(Jin's POV)

"I- What are you doing here?!" Namjoon backfired.

"This is my house!"

Namjoon froze. There was no other word that could describe him. What the hell did I just do?

"Then he your brother?"


Namjoon and I both got scared at that. Taehyung was leaning against the doorframe, his eyes looked as if there was a snowstorm going behind them.


"Let's go Namjoon." Taehyung basically dragged Namjoon inside his room.

Oh God...


(RM's POV)

I sat on Taehyung's bed, doing my best to avoid his eyes. Jimin was also sitting beside me and Taehyung was standing in front of us, facing the door.

"Aish my mood got ruined..." he turned around, "Namjoon, can we talk tomorrow? I'm getting a headache..."

Well... I'm sure if my mind were working properly right now, your thoughts would have given me a headache too... I thought, feeling thankful that I couldn't hear any of their thoughts. What's with this on and off though? Am I now able to control my powers?


This is so confusing...

"Yah!" Jimin elbowed me, breaking my train of thoughts.


Taehyung sighed, "Can you come tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow too?!"

"Let's just come tomorrow, Namjoon," Jimin spoke up.

"Why do we have to leave?"

Jimin glared at me, it was kinda funny actually, considering our height difference but I didn't argue further and just let him guide me out of Taehyung's, and Seokjin's, house.

"What's the case with them?"

"It's complicated. And I'm not telling you anything. You won't know anything." Jimin paused, "Unless Taehyung tells you."

"Or Seokjin."

"Heh? Seokjin? Why would he tell you..."

"Why can't he?"

"I mean he- uh nothing. Bye." and he left. Leaving me more curious than I ever was.

What about Seokjin...?

My worries came to a temporary end when I reached my house, "Mom, I'm back!" I shouted and wanted to go straight to my room but Mom came in.

"A friend's house?"

Here we go..."Yeah, Mom."

"All these years you never went anywhere... and now you have a friend's house to go to?"

I didn't even have to read her mind to know that she thought I was lying, "I did go to a friend's house, Mom."

"What's his name?"


"For what?"

"The teacher asked me to help him study."

"Which subject?"


"Is he really bad at it?"

How would I know Mom?! Gosh, I can't believe I'm lying this easily... "Yeah."

"Do share with me you guys progress."

I nodded, I couldn't bear to lie more.
I rushed to my room and closed the door behind me, "I can't believe I lied to her...aghh. And Seokjin! What am I doing to do about him?!" I almost wanted to pull my hair out in frustration.


Mom's voice startled me so much that my heartbeat increased, "Yes Mom?" I barely managed to blurt out.

"Come get your snack."

"Okay, Mom." I sighed in relief as I thought she was going to continue interrogating me.

"Oh and give me Seokjin's number."

Fuck... With shaky hands, I fetched out my phone from my bag and texted Taehyung.

Give me Seokjin's number!


Just give me!


And he texted me a number which I forwarded to Mom immediately. That being done, I went downstairs to grab my snacks.

One thing I knew for sure... Seokjin's going to kill me...


Things are progressing very slowly, no? I can't just make them fall in love that quickly lol 😆

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