Chapter 9️⃣

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(Jin's POV)

My mind had been a complete mess since yesterday, and as I stayed motionless on my bed I couldn't shake off the concern that was wearing me down.

"Namjoon will definitely be curious...what if he tells everyone?" I sighed heavily and finally got up. My body wasn't cooperating at all, "Should I just call in sick?"

But before I could give this idea more thought, my Mom shouted from downstairs, "Seokjin-ah wake up! Wake Tae up as well! Breakfast is ready."

It's Tae but it's always Seokjin... I had absolutely no interest in seeing Taehyung's face the first thing in the morning, but I had no choice whatsoever.

I dragged my body out of my room and knocked on Taehyung's door, no response came as I had expected, that boy was a heavy sleeper. I pushed the door open and walked up to the window, unveiling the curtain.

Taehyung groaned as the sunlight lit up the darkroom, "Yah get up!" I said while pulling the comforter off of him. Even though this method was rude, it was effective.

Taehyung groaned again in reply and I left his room to go downstairs.

"Is Tae up?" Mom asked as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

I nodded in reply as I sat down on the chair and started eating my breakfast.

Minutes after Taehyung came down, still half asleep. He greeted Mom, who smiled in reply, and sat down beside me.

I quietly finished my breakfast while Taehyung and Mom occasionally chatted. When I was done, I excused myself and quickly got ready for school, leaving as soon as I was done.

I was pretty early, honestly I was hoping for some alone time but when I opened the classroom door, there he was, sitting at our desk, reading a book.

My mouth went dry and I rigidly walked to our desk, "Hey." Namjoon greeted me and I could only nod in reply, then he continued, "Umm...Jin? Can I call you Jin?"

That caught my attention, it had always been Seokjin, always. Hesitantly, I nodded again.

"Can I ask you something?"

There it goes...

"Do you need any help in English?"

"I- what?" my voice almost came out in a high pitch.

"Ohh...this is weird...I- Can I help you study English?"


(RM's POV)

I could feel my face heating up gradually, but I ignored that and asked Jin if I could help him study English.

A minute or two passed without any answer and by then the other students were starting to enter the classroom.

Jin didn't reply, he was just staring blankly ahead, and after some time Taehyung entered, along with Jimin.

“You coming today, right?” Taehyung asked me and I slowly nodded my head in reply, the teacher had also entered the classroom.

The first period was over but I had yet to get a reply from Jin. He didn't speak to me for the next three classes too and so, I decided to confront him at lunch.

“You didn't give me an answer.”

Jin was eating lunch with Yoongi and Hoseok, “Why does my opinion even matter?” he asked.

Jin's this sentence sparked his friends' curiosity and they gave me a heated look, “It matters because it does.” Wow, Namjoon...what logic...

For a second I considered informing him about my messy situation but then decided against it, “Jin...” I noticed he tensed up at that, “Just give an answer, yeah?” my voice was pleading.

I really wanted to hit myself on the head for getting Jin involved like this...if only I had said Taehyung's name...

Okay...” he paused, “but you need to come to me first.”

“ okay with what I said, right?”

“Just come to me first and then we will see,” he replied in a cold voice.

“Oh okay...” with that I turned around to leave and could faintly hear Hoseok asking Seokjin what we were talking about.

What have I done...

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