Chapter 6️⃣

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(RM's POV)

The next morning, I probably took the least amount of time to get ready. The fact that it was Taehyung was reliving but at the same time, I was anxious too.

Not about Jungkook though, quite shockingly, I was worried about Taehyung.

It was all clear for me, I understood the meaning behind that longing gaze, the possessiveness, I understood it all. But Taehyung was scary and his ways were none too gentle.

This is why I wanted to help him. I knew I shouldn't use my ‘power’ like this but maybe I could help Taehyung, even Jungkook too.

And maybe I could get close to Seokjin this way too...

“Oh my- hah! That's it!” I almost cursed myself. These days...all my thoughts only came to one end, Seokjin. It's either this or I'd always be thinking about him.

I don't know why this is happening... I didn't even talk to him much...heck he didn't talk to me much either. I didn't even know about him before.

“And the first time we communicated...he ended up misunderstanding me...” I cringed as I recalled that memory. “I just want to clear this mess... that's it.”


“Coming Mom!” Gosh, I spent even more time thinking about him... I've to hurry!


I let out a shaky breath the moment I entered my class, I had to run yet again to avoid being late. My eyes instantly went to my desk. Seokjin hadn't arrived yet and the one that I hurried for hadn't arrived either.

“Gosh, I ran for no reason...” I slumped down on my chair and brought out a book. I needed to keep my mind busy.

Around 5 minutes before the first period started, Seokjin and Taehyung arrived. Seokjin was walking with Yoongi and Hoseok. As for Taehyung...he was, it looked like, intentionally ignoring what Jimin was telling him. His mood didn't look good. I realized that I couldn't talk to him at that moment while I stared at him, class was about to start too.

So I waited for lunchtime.


Lunchtime finally came and I went up to Taehyung's desk as soon as the bell rang, “Taehyung? Can I talk to you for a while?”


(Jin's POV)

I watched blankly as Namjoon got up to talk to Taehyung. can talk to him but not to me? Good... I was really regretting ever trying to talk to him by now. Our first ‘conversation’ didn't go well and I wanted to clear things up but I never got a chance to do so.

That's why I had decided to talk to him today but when I entered the classroom, he was only looking at Taehyung.

It was all good, till this moment. I could feel myself getting angry. Why Taehyung and not me?

Why do I sound so petty...

I sighed and decided not to think about that for the rest of the school time and thankfully Yoongi and Hoseok were successful in distracting me.

At last, school ended for that day, Taehyung was nowhere to be found, along with Jimin. And even though I had tried not to pay any attention to Namjoon, I noticed that he was gone as well.

I went straight to my bedroom after parting ways with Yoongi and Hoseok and plopped down on my bed like a mess.

A mess, not physically but mentally. All my life I was given less importance, which never bothered me before but now a guy who barely knew both Taehyung and me, chose Taehyung.

I was completely lost in these depressing thoughts till the door to my room flew open.

I lazily lifted my head up to see who it was only to be surprised.



What's going on in this FF 😆

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