Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣

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(RM's POV)

The next morning I had to be intentionally late, in order to avoid my Mom.

Last night I had returned home late, seeing Taehyung doing all sorts of facial expressions was amusing. So, when I came back the first thing that Mom asked me was how the study session went. And I had given the excuse that I was very tired to avoid answering her.

And I have to do all of that again... I sighed, doing everything lazily so that I could be late.

Weirdly enough, I was successful. Mom was busy with something so she didn't question me further. But I still need to talk to Jin... With that thought in mind, I decided to talk to Jin during lunchtime.


(Jin's POV)

The first thing the next morning that I did was sigh. I had acted like a five-year-old jealous child in front of Namjoon.

My face started heating up as my brain replayed the events from yesterday. I was sure that Namjoon thought of me as a whiney brat now.

"Oh God! Why did I have to behave like that... it's not like it's the first time something like this happened. I should be used to this by now..." I muttered to myself while splashing water on my face.

When I was done I went downstairs to the kitchen, no one was awake yet, I was up early. Fishing through the fridge, I took out some bread and butter, that was my breakfast. With that done, I left my house, barely managing to hear my Mom shout, "Yah Seokjin! Wake Tae up!"


As I had expected I was the first to arrive in our class, which was kinda weird since Namjoon is usually the first one. Then again...I won't have to talk to him right away... Now feeling satisfied with my decision I started wiping the blackboard, something that Namjoon did.

After thirty minutes, the other students started coming but Namjoon was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't even ignore it as the seat next to mine felt so empty.

When Namjoon did arrive though, I couldn't bring myself to talk to him, I was feeling rather guilty. Maybe he sensed this, or maybe he was feeling troubled too, either way, he didn't make any attempts of chit chat

By lunchtime though I was in a far better mood and was joking around with Yoongi and Hoseok when Namjoon finally approached me.

"Jin... can I talk to you for a minute?"

Jin... you are the only one who calls me that... "I'm you can see." my attempt to sound cold was ruined when my stomach made a loud dying noise.

"You haven't eaten yet? I didn't too... let's go grab something together."

Stupid were doing just fine till now... "Okay... I'll see you guys later." I left with Namjoon after saying bye to Yoongi and Hoseok.

"So... about yesterday..." I started but had to stop when I noticed Namjoon looking straight into my eyes. It felt like he was staring at my soul, my heart started beating faster.

"You want some burger?"

A simple question, but I was caught off guard by it. I had been thinking about eating burgers since I left with Namjoon, "How did you know? It's like you read my mind."

His reaction was comical, "W-what do you mean? I read your mind? As if that's possible! Huh! It was just a coincidence... I'm craving for a burger too." with that he hurried off to the counter in the cafeteria.

Namjoon avoided looking at my eyes when he came back and sat down on the bench. It was quiet but the silence was comfortable. But it didn't last long.

Five minutes later Jimin came running towards us, "Tae- Tae completely messed up."



I'm so sorry I couldn't update last week...I wasn't feeling well...

Btw! Merry Christmas everyone! 🎅⛄🎁🎊

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