Chapter 1️⃣8️⃣

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(RM's POV)

"What are you doing here?" I asked Jin.

"Thought you invited me..."

"Well, you didn't reply!"

"Dude, are you happy to see us or not?" Taehyung questioned.

"Of course, I'm happy to see hi- um you guys...Can you guys wait downstairs? I need a few minutes to collect myself."

The trio nodded in reply and left. I stared at the door, which they, fortunately, closed, for a good minute before realising that Jin was actually here. Then this realisation was followed by another one - Mom is going to tease the hell out of him!

I dashed out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen where everyone was. Dad was talking to Taehyung and Jungkook, who was sitting beside the former as motionless as a stone. And, of course, Mom was with Jin.

I stared at their backs from near the door and noticed, to my horror, that Jin's face was red. Without thinking much, I crept up behind the oblivious duo and said, "What are you two talking about?"

"Ohh J-joon ah... nothing...just..." Mom nervously said, making me snort.

"Yeaaahhh right! Jin? Come with me. You two too." I was fuming as I climbed up the stairs.

"Hyung... you okay?" Jungkook asked.

"Ye- I need to talk to you." I said to Jin.

"Then where do we go?" Taehyung questioned.

"Right." I stopped and thought to myself for a while before answering, "You two go in my room. We will take a walk."

"You are leaving?!"

"Why do you sound so scared? It's not like I'm going to chew you off."

"Jungkook, we'll be back soon, don't worry. Taehyung? Be nice." with that said, I grabbed Jin's wrist and headed straight for the main door.


(Jin's POV)

"What do you think about Joonie?"

"You know...he was talking about liking one of his classmates."

What do I think? Does he like someone? What do I-

"Jin? Jin?!"


"What were you thinking about?"

"You would know..."



"What do you mean I would know?"

"Huh? Oh... nothing..." I averted my eyes from his and stared at his nose instead.

"What was Mom talking about?"

"Nothing much..." soon enough, my gaze dropped down to his lips. That's a nice pair of lips...

"Yeah right...I saw you blush, you know..."

"What do you think about Joonie?"

"You know...he was talking about liking one of his classmates."

Why do I suddenly feel like kissing him? I kept staring at his lips. I saw his mouth moving but not a single word reached my ears. Should I-

"Jin?!" Namjoon grabbed my shoulders, I didn't even notice when we stopped walking, looking directly into my eyes.

Should I kiss him?


(RM's POV)

While his thoughts were shocking enough, my eyes widened in surprise when he closed the distance between our faces and kissed my lips gently. It was quick, almost a peck, but I found my eyes closing on their own.

It ended as suddenly as it had happened and when I opened my eyes, my cheeks were burning, I saw that Jin was blushing madly too.


"I thought you were just thinking about it..." I said without thinking it through.


I stared at his curious eyes for a minute before replying, again without thinking, "I can read minds."

Mind Reader (!!!Namjin!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now