Chapter 3️⃣

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(RM's POV)

As I was showering the next morning I couldn't believe that I spent the Saturday night thinking about Seokjin. It almost made me snort. I even spent the whole Sunday thinking about him, researching about him.

The name in itself was pretty uncommon and I tried to tell myself that I was only thinking about him because of his name but alas I couldn't fool myself.

Considering what I figured out about him, Seokjin is the Pretty Boy of our school, every girl and some boys even had proposed him, only to be rejected.  His parents are quite wealthy so he's living a comfortable life.

As for his friends.. I paused, letting the cold water run over my body. His friends were a big problem. First there was Kim Taehyung. Only one word could describe that guy, despicable. No one in our class liked him. Why the two were friends was beyond me.

Then there was Park Jimin, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok. Jimin was Taehyung's best friend. And Seokjin had been friends with Yoongi for the longest time. Hoseok, was the sunshine, everyone liked him.

Some odd friends he has... I thought sarcastically as I dried myself. “This is why I don't have friends. They are way too much to put up with.”

My train of thoughts was interrupted when I noticed the time, “Aishh I'm late.”

“Joon! Good morning Sweetie!” Mom said when I entered the kitchen.

“Hi Mom! Bye Mom!”

“Where are you going?”

“I'm late Mom!” and after snatching a piece of bread from the breakfast table I ran.

An hour. I couldn't believe it. I almost wanted to go back home. Never had I ever was this much late for school. It's all because of him... Mentally cursing him I ran faster. For the first time ever I was feeling grateful for having such unnecessarily long legs.


“When are you going to stop!?”

“Stop what? Coming to school?”

“Kim Taehyung! Detention! I've had enoug-”

Quite reluctantly I walked over to the duo. Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Yoon, was shouting at Taehyung, “Sorry for being late Sir.” I immediately apologized.

This caught them off guard and both looked into my direction.

“Namjoon... You are late Son... Oh-”

“He's getting detection too right?” Taehyung challengingly looked at Mr Yoon.

I couldn't believe my ears. Detention? Me? ME?!

This time it was my turn to get caught off guard, both Mr Yoon and I stared at him, waiting for an explanation.

He sighed, “We both are late. If I get a detention it's only fair that he gets one too.” he smirked, obviously thinking that he could dodge the detention because of me, the Class President.

Mr Yoon stayed quiet for a minute and entered the classroom, sealing my fate while doing so, “Both of you. Detention.” he uttered each word loud and clear causing the students to quit chattering.

And all hell broke loose inside my head, everyone started thinking, wondering why and how the Class President got a detention. My face was heating up and I walked straight over to my desk ignoring my centre of attention of the past few days. Not that he paid me any attention in the first place.

From my peripheral view I noticed Seokjin looking at the back of the class and sighing, “How did he get himself a detention already?”

He paid no attention or thoughts to me and continued with classes for the rest of the day.

I can't believe I wasted one whole day stalking him...Wait! Did I just say stalk?! Research... that's what it was.

I was really mad at myself for behaving in such an out of character way.

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