Before You Read (Dec 2023 Updated)

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Hello readers! My name is Jacob McCauley, and I am the author of this book series! I just wanted to make a few quick notes about this book I am currently working on!

As of August 2023, this book has been completed, and as of shortly after September 2023, the entire book has had some minor edits/clean ups! However, do be advised that there may have been some edits I have missed. Please refer to "Book 1 Future Plans" chapter right after this one for more information! Or refer to the discord listed down below! Thank you!


- Firstly, this book is currently more or less a rough draft. That means that it isn't the final version and will subject to change in the future. I am in the process of edits and clean up, but there might be a few errors I may have missed, and that's okay! If you happen to notice any issues, feel free to leave a comment!

- Secondly, I wanted to state how this book series will work. I have a total of six books planned out for the series. Books 1-3 is part one, and books 4-6 is part two. Each book is divided into several volumes, on average 5-10 volumes. Book 1 is the exception to this, at a whopping 12 volumes! Each volume then has on average 10 chapters. Each volume more or less follows a subplot, while the entire book follows the main plot. You can think of this series similar to a combination of a Japanese light novel and a western book series! 

Simple way to put it: Book -> Volume -> Chapters! Book 1 has 12 volumes, 10 chapters each!

- Thirdly I wanted to state my plans for this book as well as any future works/books that I hope to start and finish one day! This book series is connected to an overall "universe" or storyline, which I plan to have many books tell this universe's "story". You can think of this current book as one part in the giant timeline! This book series is more or less "not as important" compared to other planned series and can technically be read on its own, but that doesn't mean I am not putting effort into it! This first series and the work I have put into it will be something I treasure forever!

- Fourthly, what platforms are this book on? Currently it's available on Wattpad and Webnovel. There have been chapters uploaded to Tapas, but NOT updated! Questions, comments, concerns, or any additional information regarding this book, you can reach me on discord at belfast747! Or, simply leave a comment on a chapter and I'll see it!

Or, if you'd prefer the official discord link for my book server, you can reach me here:

That being said, I thank you for giving your time to read my book, and I hope you enjoy it! If not, well at least you took the time to give it a small try! Thank you!

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