Pixie Trials X XI XII - The Only Ones

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Arcadian, is what those voices spoke to me.

Mie chlie o' Förgé, will you be a liëthen with your new friends or a daarvkin like your lan'mira.

My arcadian is thankfully not too rusty thanks to Yuma and some of her clients and friends but still, my lack of knowledge of the language of my culture infuriates me. Most of it I could figure out but I still have the vocabulary of a six-year-old.

Mie chlie o' Förgé, will you be a liëthen with your new friends or a daarvkin like your siblings.

That's as much as I could understand. When it comes to the whispers I only heard two different voices, a man and a woman. Both of which refer to me as mie chlie or my child. Normally I'd assume it was a family member but with arcadian one doesn't have to be family to call you a child, just older and wiser. But siblings don't make a whole lot of sense to me. As far as I understood it, I am an only child perhaps it is symbolic of something.

Next, they always talk about my intentions trying to corrupt my thoughts. The man always praises me for bashing others, and the woman always pushing me toward positivity even when it's hard.

I can't stand it for much longer. Although their commentary has been with me for a while, I can't mark when it started. Either way, I'm clueless as ever.

"Are you ready, early birds," Kendra teased as I pulled on my final boot before we headed out.

The tenth trial was fairly easy since Kendra insisted on doing it alone. Filling a pitch back room completely with light was her specialty but after a certain point she had to call upon both Reggie, her familiar, and Zane to help her keep her magic stable.

Either way, it was pretty amazing.

"You know most fire witches struggle with summoning fire and light but whenever I watch you it seems to come as easy as breathing to you," Zane asked with eyes filled with admiration as Lilac seemed just as tuned in beside her.

Kendra laugh nervously and played around with belted waistband of her dress, "Well, I can summon it easily but I can't control it easily,"

Zane and Lilac froze with wonder. "I've never seen such an occurrence. Is it the curse?" Zane continued to inquire, their cursorily full peaked.

Kendra giggled a bit, "I doubt it. It's just something you're body is born with,"

Charlie sighed and shook xyr head, "I'm telling you Kendra could burn down the whole kingdom if we weren't careful,"

The number one problem with elemental creation and manipulation is either a lack of strength in forming said element or a lack of control in said element.

From what I've noticed people like Wynter and Kendra can create with no problem but controlling it is a lot harder. While people like Angelo and Charlie have it harder creating and more ease controlling.

With arcane magic however, I'm not constrained to by either because it's all about embodying the magic and letting the synergetic flow guide you.

Next, we moved on to the second to last trial.

"Wow, we're almost done with this whole ordeal, I can't wait to get back home," Lilac said in awe as we walked over to the next door.

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