In The Dark

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The morning came quicker than I imagined. Then the pales of the dawn light the sky painted my face golden.

"So you're awake," A figure stoically watched over me from afar.

"That I am. Who might you be?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Someone who had found you collapsed in the forest after dark hours,"

"So you saved me? Awfully kind of you," I smirked glancing them up and down.

It was hard to see but they wore a skirt and some sort of jacket. But by the look of their face, they abided by the witches' code as well. It was half covered by what looked to be a blue hand stitched mask

"But that doesn't answer my question," I said still not bothering to get up.

"I'm someone who protects the city from anything that threatens it," – Sounds like something I would say.

I thought about it for a second, tilting my head in pondering. "Like knights and creatures,"

"Smugglers and thieves," She trailed off in a monotone voice, "So who might you be?"

She glared down at me with a wand whose tip lit up a very vibrant red. Her eyes were focused on me and looked me up and down.

My eyes narrowed in on her and glanced over at the wand but I didn't flinch at what I saw. She pushed the wand closer to me but I didn't bother to watch it because I've already seen what I needed to.

I did the translation in my head as quickly as I saw it. It was a fire spell, very inescapable kind of fire.

"Ghost. Ghost Witch of Black Sun City,"

"Ghost? What's that supposed to entail? Are you a killer?"

I took my stand and this kid pointed the wand directly in between my eyes. My body went cold and movement became stiff.

Then I heard a shifting in so nearby forestation and my senses came back to me.

"Hello?" They tried to speak up, but I quickly shushed them.

They stood flabbergasted to the side in disarray but I shook my head and listened closer. I could hear their wicked whispers among the wind. They were chanting, spell casting while another argued against it.

"No! Stop! We can't be seen here. Let's go!" He tried pushing them along but all attempts were ignored.

I bent down to see if I could sense anything closer to them. However my shadowy friend happened to have other plans and grabbed me by my collar. I didn't move but was more shocked than scared. They happened to be a few inches shorter than me and quite thin.

"Listen here, I'm not gonna sit here and play your little games," They threaten me, but I still was trying to figure out who those chanters were.

But by the time I turned back I realize they were on the move. My attention shifted back to this self-proclaimed protector.

I need to get them away from me, if they let go now, perhaps I could have a slim chance of catching those guys.

My hands latched onto their wrists, easily disabling their grip,"I'm sorry about this,"

I took them down in a hasty swing and before they could recover, my mind went blanks before suddenly filling with runes of an ancient text.

My mind followed its guidance and my gestures followed its melody that cried out to me. Before I knew it, they were trapped in a bramble cage. It was the first that I made something like that but it was sturdy enough.

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