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I walk down the long and intimidating hall towards the Alpha's office. Chills run down my spine as my hands run cold. The Luna grips my shoulders tenderly as she smiles down at my small frame. I look up at her in fear "Am I in trouble? I swear I didn't do anything."

"No sweetie you're not in trouble. The alpha and I just wanna chat with you" She smiles sadly rubbing my shoulders.

"Is it about my mommy and daddy?" I follow up with a knot in the pit of my stomach.

"Yes" She frowns as she swings the doors open.

"WAKE YOUR SUNNY ASS UP!!!" I could hear the annoying voice belonging to my best friend screaming above me. I groaned irritably muffling her screaming with a pillow covering my face.

"Go away Liz" I mumbled sinking deeper into my bed covers and she sighed dramatically.

"Oh shush you big Grinch and get up. Your birthday is officially one week away. So we gotta start prepping you" She smiles happily as she cuddles me in excitement.

"Don't remind me. I got about ten millions things to do and finding my mate is not in my top ten priorities" I rolled my eyes while pulling the covers off of me pushing Liz along with it.

"Rude. But I don't care. I love you regardless. Now get up we're going shopping" She encouraged with a wink and I rolled my eyes for a second time.

"You are going shopping. I am going to work" I rephrased grabbing my uniform and changing as she groans in protest.

"What? Nooooo. You worked yesterday" She whines sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"That's sort of the point of working Izzie. You do it everyday" I sassed as she pouted at me.

"Sounds like hell" She grumbled laying down and staring at the ceiling.

"Sure feels like it too I can tell ya" I chuckled as she grinned at me.

"So you're saying that working for my brother isn't heaven? I am in utter shock" She sassed as I chuckled in return.

" I don't work for your brother. I work for the kitchen staff in the alpha mansion" I clarify. "the staff that works for my brother" She reminds me and I smiled at her proudly.

"Look at you one-upping me" I retorted happily as she grins at me. "Right? I just said it without thinking and I am so proud of myself." She smiled.

"Jokes aside. I don't think Kaden would mind or even notice you taking a day off. So take the damn day off and come shopping with me. We need to be ready for the mating bonfire in one month" She explains as I groaned angrily.

"Liz you know I don't care about this stuff" I reminded her for the thousand time since the 8th grade.

"How can you not care about finding your mate?" She exclaimed incredulously with arms flinging above her head.

"Because she's stupid and senseless" my wolf Davina replied instead. "Damn right she is Dav, And she's stubborn too" Lizzie agrees.

"Oh you two shut up. I gotta go to work. We both know that even if your brother doesn't notice, the Luna will and she'll fire my ass without hesitation" I said picking up my bag and walking out of my room with Liz hot on my tail.

"I dare that bitch to fire you. Girl, she'll have to face my wrath and she's not gonna like that I'll break one of her nails or two" She snapped angrily.

"Whether we like it or not, she is still our Luna and what she says goes." I told her while grabbing a banana from the kitchen counter.

"Oh please. She's only Luna by title. Kaden hasn't even marked her and they've been together for a little over three years now. They only mated by ceremony" She scoffs rolling her eyes while walking out of our condo with me.

"A ceremony, mark or no mark, is still sacred. Now, bye. I gotta go. Love you" I bid my goodbye while blowing her a kiss walking towards my car.

"Don't get fired and if you do, tell me so I beat a bitch up" She sing-songs as I pull out of the drive way.

I can't believe I've been friends with this girl for almost 19 years. On another note, today marks the 11th year since my parents died. I know its random but I just...I guess I had to say it at least once. Otherwise, I'll forget I ever even had parents to began with.

Hi everyone. I hope you all like the chapter!!

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