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I decided to stop working for the Alpha's lounge and I have started working at the training compounds. Since the Gamma is in charged of those pack quarters, then I don't have to report to the Alpha anymore. I want to try and avoid interacting with Kaden as much as possible.

Ever since he marked Darya, I've been walking on eggshells whenever I'm in the Alpha's quarters. I turned in my resignation a couple days ago and Kaden returned it right away with his personal signature. He obviously wanted me to know that he was the one to personally approve my dismissal. The alpha doesn't usually sign many documents unless it is absolutely necessary. His personal assistant usually has power to foresee these type of situations. 

But he wanted me to know he saw it and didn't care. I know I was the one who rejected him, but he has been insufferable ever since. And let's not even began talking about Darya. She made it her personal goal to make my life a living hell. So I gotta assume Kaden told him I was his mate. I had no other choice but to move quarters so that I could completely avoid Kaden altogether.

Darya has been in a mood lately, and did I forget to mention that she made me her personal servant? Good thing that is coming to an end soon. 

"So I heard the alpha accepted your resignation" Darya mentions as I serve her morning breakfast out in the balcony. "Uh yes-yes he did Luna" I replied politely pouring her coffee carefully.

"Oh the alpha will be joining me today so you'll be serving him as well" She tells me with an innocent smile.

"Copy that. Should I inform the dinning staff about this rearrangement?" I asked looking down at the iPad in my hand as she hums in agreement.

"Luna, the only staff available at this time is Alex, should I let the guards know to let him pass through?" I asked looking up at her as she chokes on her coffee. "Alex?" She asked again as I nodded looking down at my iPad uncomfortably.

"Yes let him in. Luna has no problem with that" Kaden spoke on her behalf as he walked around me to take a sit in front of Darya. 

She cleared her throat before agreeing "of course I don't. Please let him in" She says in a sickening sweet voice.

"Alpha" I greeted bowing my head as I mindlinked one of the guards.

"Would you like some coffee baby?" Darya asked stroking his hand in an intimate way. Kaden glanced at me before nodding his head.

"Serve the Alpha" She commanded as I nodded walking towards the table to pour him a cup of coffee.

"Luna. Alpha. Good morning" Alex greeted seconds later with food trays as I offered him a small smile.

It's ironic that we are all together in one place. Lovers by chance mates by choice.

Alex removed the tray covers as I carefully walked towards to retrieved them. "hey" He smiled as I mumbled a quick "hi" in return. 

"Luna" I bowed placing her plate in front of her. "Alpha" I mimicked the same movement as I took a couple steps back.

"What the hell is this?" She barked angrily as she glares my way. "Luna?" I replied walking towards her in bewilderment. "Are you trying to poison me?" She accuses lifting up her plate as I shake my head.

"Of course not" I objected with my eyebrows furrowed. "I'm allergic to avocado. What sort of sick joke is this?" She seethed in disgust as I looked down to her avocado omelet. That's Izzie's favorite.

"I think there was a mishap in the kitchen. I'll fix that right away" I offered politely as she continues to fume profanities at me.

"Shove this up your ass!" She yells throwing the plate full force at me. The plate shattering in front of me my feet.

I hissed in pain as some broken pieces cut through my shoes and other sliced my ankles.

"Darya!" Kaden interrupted her tantrum as she silenced all at once looking up him carefully.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I apologize Amara" She said in her Luna tone as I clenched my jaw in anger and pain. "It's just the baby hormones" She added with a grin as I redirected my gaze onto Kaden.

"Congratulations" Alex spoke nonchalantly from the side. Darya frowned slightly as if she had almost completely forgotten he was present. There was a shadow of regret in her features as she looks down at her hands.

"We have not announced the pregnancy. So, please keep this to yourselves for now" Kaden says instead glaring at Darya for her lack of prudency.

"Not a word will be spoken" I reassured  looking down at my feet.

"Go get cleaned up" Kaden commands me as I look up at him and nod.

"I will have someone bring up your breakfast request. Apologies for the mix-up" I tell Darya.

"I didn't mean to hurt you" She whispers apologetically.

"My father use to tell me that pain only makes us stronger. I believe until this day" i smiled softly at her as I bend over to pick up the splattered pieces of the broken plate.

"Leave it. I'll have someone else clean it up" Kaden comments as I stand up biting my lip at the pain and nodding before walking towards the exit.

"Alex. You are free to go too" Darya adds and I hear his steps following in my direction. As soon as we were out of the room I groaned out in pain.

"Help me" I hissed as Alex placed a hand on my back.

"Damn. She's fucking crazy" Alex mumbles angrily looking down at me. He lifted me up and carried towards the custodian locker room.

"Let me get the first aid kit" He mumbles as he sets me down in a chair. He carefully removes my shoes regardless of all my complains.

"She's pregnant" I mumble as Alex cleans the cuts gently. "It still hurts. Even though I don't love her anymore. It still hurts to know that she's happy and I'm not" He admits looking up at me.

He finishes up and hands me a pair of sandals. "thanks" I mumbled with a small smile.

"I just didn't expect him to be having a child so soon. The full moon was only days after I rejected him and it was painful for me. I just-I just don't know how he could just move on. I guess we never had to since he always had everything he wanted. Even if he never admits it to himself, being mated to me was always just an inconvenience" I tell him as he frowns at me.

"You will find someone one day that will love you like you deserve" He encourages rubbing my back.

"We both will" I rephrase with a small smiles as he chuckles. "One day" He smiles as we sigh and ponder the future that lays ahead.


I hope you like the book so far friends!! I will be taking a break from this writing this book for a little while so I can focus on their projects. 

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