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"This is not happening" I exclaimed lowly pacing back and forth as Kaden followed my every move.

"I didn't know until this morning" He says softly as I glared at him in disbelief. "You've known since this morning!!" I spat angrily trying to not attract our friends wolf hearing.

"My wolf was oddly restless when I woke up today and I didn't what it was about until I saw you" He explained taking a closer step towards me. I instinctively stretched my hand out in front of me to stop him. "Don't" I warned him angrily.

"I tried telling you earlier but I just- I didn't know how" He tells me as I glare up at him. 

"How did I not know you were my- whatever. How did I not feel it?" I asked in panic clenching my hands together to stay under control.

"Probably because I'm-" He mumbles lowly not finishing his sentence. "Because you're mated to someone else already" I finished for him chuckling dryly.

"I'm so screwed. Why me? Out of all people why me?" I exclaimed angrily at him pushing him back as he stared at me stunned by my actions.

"Calm down" He warned as I scoffed at him. "Calm down? Are you freaking kidding me? I just found out my mate is the alpha who also just so happens to be mated with the devil incarnate." I growled pushing him back more forcefully to piss him off.

"So don't you dare tell me to calm the hell down. I can't. I-I thought maybe I'd get lucky and just get a normal mate. Like-like- WHY!!" I let out in frustration. "A mate like Alex?" Kaden scoffs angrily his eyes growing darker by the second.

"Fuck you Kaden!" I cursed him for the very first time in my entire life. His eyes widen by my words and a small grin replaced his stunned features in what I am assuming pride.

"Alex is an amazing man. He is waiting for his mate. So you don't get to be an ass to him. You leave him out of it" I said angrily knowing that Kaden's wolf would take over at any given moment.

"Oh little wolf. I love when you get feisty with me" Kaden replied three octaves lower. 

"Hello Kael nice of you to join us" I spat in anger and he chuckles. "Oh come on Amara. We know  Kaden is stupid and immature. Cut him some slack" He grinned circling around me as I narrow my eyes at him.

"Stop moving" I demanded making him stop in his tracks looking up in disbelief. "WHAT?!" I snapped at him as he didn't move a muscle.

"Did you just command me?" He scoffs glaring at me. "Shouldn't your bigger question be why it actually worked?" I smirked victoriously at his inability to move.

"Now you listen to me very carefully Kael. I will not be anyone's second choice. And we both know that Kaden will not leave Darya and believe me when I say that I don't want him to." I told him boldly as he eyed be carefully.

" So if you want to deal with this issue like grown ups, then you both need to get your head out of your ass and not let your egos get it in the way. Today is birthday and I want to enjoy it. So if you can't keep it together, then leave my house or stay I could careless" I scoffed walking away from him.

"Oh and you can move now" I commanded him as I closed the door behind me. I took one deep breath before walking towards the living where everybody was playing some board games.

"Finally" Lizzie called pulling me closer to her. "So what are we playing?" I asked softly as I sat in between Lizzie and Alex.

"Uh this missing case file game" Ally says excitedly making Alex laugh. "She loves killer documentaries. So, this is heaven for her" He adds as I laugh lightly.

"Ok. Sounds like fun. Who are we looking for?" I asked grabbing some documents.

"Jane Doe" Ally smiles looking at me. "Well she's not gonna find herself. Let's do this team!" I encouraged over enthusiastically.

"Yeah let's get her back" Kaden agreed with a sly grin making me grow rigid at the sound of his voice.

Alex eyed me warily bumping his knee with mine to get my attention. "You good?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded with small smile. "Yeah I'm good" I mumbled leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You'll be fine Mar. I'll make sure of it" He replies placing his hand over mine and squeezing it tightly.

"It's rude to eavesdrop" I mumbled back with realization as he chuckles sadly leaning his head affectionally over mine.

"I didn't have to. I know the feeling" He tells me looking down at me with sad eyes.

"We're out of beer. I'll go pick some up" I blurted out making everyone snap their attention towards me.

"Alex wanna come?" I asked as he nodded helping me off the couch.

"Anyone want anything else?" I asked politely looking around.

"What I want you can't give me" Kaden mumbled under his breath as I glared at him.

"We're good. Come back  soon otherwise Sherlock will solve the case if you take too long" Steph encourages as I chuckle.

"Let's go" Alex smiled yanking my car keys from me. "You were gonna drive anyways" I rolled my eyes unbothered.

Once we started driving I couldn't hold myself back. "What did you mean by 'I know the feeling'. How could you possible know?" I asked as he frowns pulling over onto the side of the road.

"I'll keep your secret if you'll keep mine?" He offered turning towards me as I nodded.

"Of course. I promise" I smiled as he took a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing..." He mumbles and I stare at him impatiently.

Hi everyone. I hope you all like the chapter!!

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