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"Kael let me talk to Kaden" I argued glaring at him. "Kaden isn't getting anywhere with you. And I'm tired of waiting" He growled as his fangs grazed my neck. I held my breath, my knees shaking in fear. He could not possibly mark me right? He wouldn't do that?

"Kaden wouldn't. I'm not too sure I can say the same about Kael" Davina perks in my mind equally as alarmed.

"Well help me!" I countered desperately asking her to take over.

"Take a couple steps back" Davina boomed angrily pushing Kael away from me/her.

"You think you can mark us after mating with a bitch?" She growled angrily and Kael growled back.

"Do not disrespect your alpha Davina" Kael challenges angrily circling her.

"Do not disrespect us" She snaps equally as fierce. "Fine. Let's talk Dav" Kael teases flirtingly as she growls.

"We are done talking. Amara may be too sensitive but I am not sparing you from any pain because you two assholes deserve it" She tells him and Kael whimpers.

"I'll let Amara do the honors of kicking you to the curb, but just know that I get the most satisfaction from it because we both deserve better than you" She tells him letting me take over.

"Amara please" Kaden now said dropping to his knees as he draped his arms around my lower legs clinging to me. "please" he whimpers with his head low.

"Kaden get up please" I begged trying to help him move but he just tighten his hold on me. "No no no. I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. I should've waited for you and I'm sorry I didn't" He cries laying his head on my waist.

"You mated Darya at 18 Kaden and you love her" I told him. "I do love her. I had to learn to love her. I needed to. I had to do it for the pack Amara. My father died and I couldn't let my mom rule and risk her becoming an open target" He explains looking up at me, his teary eyes desperate.

"I know. I'm not gonna make you choose because it wouldn't be fair to either of you or Alex" I tell him as Kaden clenches his jaw at the mention if Alex's name.

"He told you?" He growled. "What you did to him was absolutely cruel. And here you are feeling his pain now. I guess the goddess has a funny way of piecing things together" I tell him dryly. "I'm gonna kill him" He threatens angrily.

"You already did that by stealing his mate from him" I said defensively on his behalf as Kaden bows his head in shame.

"I'm sorry for all I've done" He tells me in sincerity. "Sorry cannot fix what you've destroyed" I tell him as he cuddles himself close to me. "Please don't do this" he says again.

"I, Amara Knight, reject you, Kaden Black" I say the dreaded words as Kaden groans in pain. Tears are quick to run down my face as he grips me tighter.

"Kaden please just accept the rejection. You're only hurting yourself" I begged bending down to his level as he cries fighting the pain.

"I can't let you go" He cries pulling my face close to him crashing his lips on mine.

Our tears merged together into one as he kissed me desperately. I pulled away wiping his tears away. "There is no me for you to hold" I tell him as I stare into his grey eyes.

"I can't give up on us" He tells me and I cried silently as I bit my lips trying my hardest not take everything back.

"There is no us alpha" I tell him as he nodded in defeat.

"I, Kaden Black, alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, reject you, Amara Knight" He accepts the rejection, completing the ritual.

We both lean against the wall quietly as our mate bond begins to vanish. Our pain leaving along with it to be replaced with an empty shallow shell emptiness. My body was numbed and so was my mind. So we both just sat there letting the rejection run its course.

I've only ever felt this empty once before and that was after my parents death.

I am officially mateless wolf.  And even tough it hurts like hell, I know that it was the best for the both of us. He needs someone worthy enough to be a proper Luna and I am nowhere near close to ever being that.

I deserve someone who loves me for me, not someone who expects something for me.  I can't be responsible for entire pack when I can barely keep together the only family I have left.

Hi everyone. I hope you all like the chapter!!

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