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"What took you so freaking long?" Izzie questioned eagerly as I walk through the door of my humble home. "What did my brother want? He was acting weird this morning" She added gripping my arm as the true gossiper she was.

"Nothing important. Just wanted to talk to me about Nick punching his mate's little brother" I replied as she pouted in disappointment. 

"How boring. Did he get you in trouble on your birthday? That jackass. Oh just you wait until I get my hands on him-" She threaten as she puts her hands into a choke hold playing out how she planned to kill her brother.

"No he didn't get me trouble. I guess he just wanted to hear Nick's side of the story" I explained further as she stared at me in disbelief. "Hear your side of the story? Yeah right. Since when does he ever think twice about what his precious mate says?" She sassed me as i nodded in agreement.

"Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" I offered with a grin as he laughed.

"Maybe" She smiled as Steph calls out to me from a distance. "Mar!" she says again making me face my driveway to give her my attention. "Steph you made it" I smiled as I see her with gifts in hand.

"Can I wish you a happy birthday now?" she asks as I help her get everything inside my house.

"Yes you may" I smiled as she hugs me tightly. "Happy birthday you big duffus" She mumbled swaying me side to side in our big bear hug.

"Oh I also bought you your favorite your cheesecake" She added happily pointing at the delicious goodness sitting on the table counter.

"Oh what a coincidence. I also bought my best friend her absolute favorite cheesecake. cherry flavored" Izzie counters bringing out a very large cheesecake to flaunt it.

"Her favorite flavor is strawberry" Steph grins victoriously looking at me for confirmation.

"You're wrong" Izzie counters looking at me for backup.

"Uh where-where is Alex?" I asked innocently looking around to see if I could spot him. He went to change out of his work clothes. The alpha had him called before he had the chance to leave the mansion" Steph explains shrugging indifferently.

"Wait the Alpha wanted to talk to him? After I left or...?" I asked curiously.

"He mindlinked  one of his warriors to keep him back. I think you were still in his office." She explains as I nodded.

"So what's your favorite cherry or strawberry Mar?" Lizzie snapped eyeing me carefully.

"Uhhh- well- I don't- I think-" I stuttered before the door bell saved me so graciously. "I'll get it" I called in panic.

"It must be your boyfriend" Izzie teased me as I rolled my eyes at her. "Alex what the hell took you so long" I greeted swinging my door open as i took a step back stunned at the guy in front of me.

"Not Alex. Sorry to disappoint Amara" Kaden announces with an intense stare and a bitter undertone.

"Alpha apologies I was just..." I mumbled letting my words fade. "You were just eagerly expecting your boyfriend" Lizzie teased from behind me. 

"I invited my brother. Minus Darya of course. No one wants her here" She laughed as Kaden glared at her warningly. "What? It's true" She added as I stepped aside to let him in my house.

"Don't worry Mar. Your little boyfriend should be here any minute now" Lizzie winked as I smacked her in the back of my head. "Stop it. He is not my boyfriend. You know that" I scolded under my breath as Kaden eyed me curiously leaning against a wall.

"And go distract your brother. He's creeping me out" I added more quietly now so only she could hear.

"Fine. But your favorite cheesecake flavor is cherry!" She demanded walking away from me as I chuckled at her childishness. I could hear Alex car pulling up on my drive way and I smiled involuntarily.

"Your lover is here" Kaden commented clenching his jaw and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Her eyes sparkle" Izzie added as I flipped her off. "You're impossible" I huffed walking out the door to meet him outside.

"Alex where the hell have you been?" I asked smacking his arm passive-aggressively as he chuckles softly.

"I had to go home and change and then pick up these two from school. Someone else forgot" He tells me pointing towards the two teenagers getting out of the car.

"Oh my goodness. I forgot to pick up Nick from school" I mumbled in disbelief. "Indeed" He chuckled ruffling my hair.

"I'll give you a pass because it's your birthday" He teases as his sister approaches as sweetly.

"Happy birthday Mar" She smiles hugging me tightly as I hug her back. "Thank you Ally" I replied squeezing her gratefully.

"I'm hungry" My brother whined walking past us and I rolled my eyes. "When are you not hungry Nick?" I chuckled pulling away from Ally as she walks ahead of me.

"Don't forget about my gifts or you'll bruise my ego" Alex chuckled pulling it out of his car.

"I could never" I smiled grabbing it from him as he drapes his arm around my shoulders. "Thank you for picking him Lex" I smiled as we walked through the door. "Team work makes the work Mar. We're both doing our best" He smiles as I nodded pulling away from him to drop his gifts with the rest of them.

"It's strawberry" Steph argued fiercely while Izzie rolled her eyes angrily. "Cherry" She argued.

"What are you two arguing about?" Alex perks curiously standing next to me all the while Kaden glares at his movements.

"Her favorite flavor" Steph answers  shaking her head tirelessly. "Oh. Strawberry. Easy" Alex smiles victoriously with a chuckle as I smack his arm. "Alex" I scolded as he furrowed his eyebrows in return.

"What? It's true" He said defensively. "And quit smacking my arm" He adds rubbing it with a pout.

"Is it true?" Lizzie asked me impatiently. "I-I like both" I lied fidgeting with my hands as Alex bit his lips to keep himself from laughing.

"Liar" Izzie accused as I groaned. "I just want cheesecake. Please can you two stop arguing?" I pouted.

"Just tell me. I need to know." Lizzie argued as I rolled my eyes. "I am not telling you. Give up" I declared as she huffed angrily.

"Kaden" She whined for his support as he shrugged "You want me to command her?" He perked smirking my way as I glared at him. 

"Don't you dare" I pointed a finger at him as he chuckled at me putting his hands up.

"Just because it's your birthday" He teased winking at me stunning me.

"What is it?" Lizzie whined again as I groaned resting my head on Alex's shoulder. "Kill me I'm begging you" I mumbled against Alex as he laughs.

"Not on your birthday" He teases as I smacked him yet again. "Hey" He whined griping my wrist giving me a sharp glare.

"Ok I'm sorry" I smiled innocently with puppy eyes. He grins at me letting go of me.

"Amara can I talk to you outside?" Kaden asks me standing up abruptly while grabbing my upper arm and dragging me outside without waiting for my reply.

"I guess" I mumbled once we were facing my front porch. My upper arm was burning as I yanked it off.  "What the-" I gasped staring at my arm as he looked down at me patiently.

" You're 19" He says softly as my breaths got shallow and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh no" I mumbled taking a step away from him.

I hate my birthday. I hate it so freaking much.

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