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"I wanted her to choke on her stupid green grapes. She is so annoying" Izzie huffed as I chopped up fresh basil to add to my tomato sauce.

"Just be careful Liz. Kaden's temper seems to be running low these days" I warned her giving her a stern glance as she rolled her eyes.

"He is just like father. I could care less about his temper. I'm his baby sister. It is my job to keep him on his toes" She reasoned with a wave of a hand.

"Are Tyler, Colton, and Laura coming soon or are you gonna eat this spaghetti and meatballs all on your own?" I teased stirring the meatballs with the sauce I'd prepared.

"Haha. Comedian in training" She deadpan as she comes to watch what I was doing. " I wish I could cook like you" She sighs as I chuckle at her.

"You mean you wish you could cook at all" I rephrase as she punches my upper arm playfully. "Oh shut Mar. It's not my fault no one ever taught me" She declares playing with her nails.

"No one ever taught me but I had to learn. And look at me now, have a fan base and everything" I pointed towards the door as it swung open with our friends barging in.

"I smell food. Mar must of cooked" Tyler teases as they all walk towards the kitchen.

"I could've cook you know" Izzie pointed sitting in a stool as she lean her shoulder in the cold counter.

" You're home would've disintegrated first" Colton added with his arm wrapped around his mate, Laura. 

"Breakfast was bunkers today" Laura added with a sly grin directed at Liz.

"She pisses me off sometimes" Izzie admitted shrugging her shoulders without a care in the world.

"That mouth is yours will get you in trouble eventually" Tyler added sitting down in the stool next to her.

"Maybe" She agreed as she looks up at me.

"Can we eat now please? I'm starving." Izzie suggested as I rolled my eyes.

"Can you set the table for 7 please" I asked her as she nodded in return. "Wait 7? There is only 5 of us here" Izzie noted looking around her.

"I invited a couple friends over" I smiled as she bursts out laughing. "I forget you have friends sometimes" She teased me with a taunting smirk.

"With a best friend like you, I only need a few" I replied sweetly as she pouted happily. "Aww Mar, that's so sweet friend" She cooed happily.

"I mean you have like 20 different personalities, so I keep keep my circle small" I added teasingly as she gasped in shock.

"You love me and all my 20 different personalities. You could not leave without us" She joins cracking up as everyone else laughs with us.

The doorbell rings and I go to welcome my friends.

"Hey hey hey" I greeted warmly at Steph and Alex. "I brought the garlic bread" She perks happily. "And I brought the wine" Alex smirks with two bottles in hand.

"So what are we-" Alex speaks as he steps into my house "Oh" both my friends express in unison.

"Beta. Gamma." They both greeted bowing their heads in respect.

" Oh stop it with the formalities" Laura encouraged with a warm smile. My two wary friends looked towards me with uncertainty.

"We don't bite" Tyler encouraged with a chuckle grabbing Alex's wine bottles. "Thank you for these" He added giving Alex a grateful smile.

"Well what's a meal without some wine" Alex joked with a nervous laugh. "Damn right. You and I speak the same language Alex" Lizzie encouraged linking her arm with his to drag him to the rest of the group.

"You didn't tell us the beta and gamma were gonna be here. Is the alpha here too?" Stephanie whispered in panic.

"Of course not. They are all pretty down to earth. Stop worrying" I encouraged rubbing her shoulders.

"You say that because you have beta blood running through your veins. I'm an omega. Fifth generation actually" She points out looking at the group cracking jokes with Alex.

"You're right. But my parents are dead. So, yeah I may have beta blood but that's it. Plus, these guys don't care about tittles. Come on" I smiled softly as Steph took a deep breath and walked with me.

"So now can we eat pleaseeeeeeeeeeee" My best friend whined.

"Let's eat" I confirmed as they all cheered happily.


"No offense Tyler but your sister can be such a bitch" Izzie declared boldly after her second glass of red wine.

"None taken. I had to live with her for 18 years" He agreed as they both cheered taking a sip from their glasses.

"Torture" Lizzie added with a giggle as everyone chuckled.

"I sometimes forget you're siblings" Laura admitted.

"My sister is not all that bad but she does have her moments" Tyler said with a small smile.

"As lovely as this dinner was, Steph and I are calling a night" Alex announced after chatter quieted down.

"Oh nooo why?" Izzie whined pouting.

"We have an early shift tomorrow" Steph explains with an awkward smile.

"I'll walk you guys out" I interrupted Izzie before her drunk ass could say anything embarrassing.

"Thank you both for coming" I smiled into a group hug.

"Anytime amore mio" Alex teased playfully with a wink. "You were right Amara. They are all really lovely people" Steph smiled.

"See you tomorrow" I called us as they walked towards Alex's car. Both Steph and Alex are roomies.

"Bye" Alex bid as he pulled out of my driveway.

I walked back inside with a small smile playing on my lips. "Your friends are supppppeeeerrr nice" Izzie hiccupped giggling. "I'm glad you think so" I laughed.

"Yeah they are both really nice" Laura agreed as Colton growled lowly from beside her. "Oh stop it. I can't compliment her friends now?" Laura snapped at Colton rolling her eyes. 

"Not if its Alex" He replied possessively. "Oh come on Col, get your head outta of your ass" Izzie replied making everyone laugh.

"I gotta go pick up Nick from his friend's house. You guys could crash here if you want. The spare rooms are clean" I offered grabbing my car keys.

"Thank you Mar" Everyone chanted as I walked out with a smile while shaking my head.

As I drove down the dark road, I couldn't help but let a thought pop in my conscience. In a week's time I might be able to find my mate. And that thought alone scares me beyond words.

Hi everyone. I hope you all like the chapter!!

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