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"Hurry up and just get it done damn it. Luna wants breakfast to be ready in 20 minutes and it will get done" The Chef yells angrily at his little minions while I rolled my eyes at his lack of manners.

"And you better wash these dishes faster" Chef snaps glaring at me as I scrub a sponge unto the next plate in the big sink. "Yes sir" I mumbled under my breath biting my tongue.

"I wanna rip his head off" Davina blurts out in my head and I chuckled aloud. "Something funny Knight?" He challenges looking down at me. "Nothing sir" I replied.

"Asshole" Davina adds again and this time I tune her out to avoid getting in trouble.

Breakfast was indeed ready in under 20 minutes. "Now go serve them" Chef Jackass commanded me and two other people as we slowly grabbed some trays with an overwhelming amount of food. They won't even eat it all. What a waste of food. 

As Stephanie, Alex, and I entered the main dinning hall, we entered slowly with the food trays.

"Alpha. Luna" We greeted unanimously as we bowed our heads in respect standing by the doors entrance waiting for his approval to procced.

"Come in" Kaden acknowledges us waving us to bring the food. We do so carefully laying all the food in the center of the dinning table.

"Hi Mar!!!" Lizzie greeted me warmly yet again like she didn't see me at our place this morning.

"Hi" I mumbled with a small smile trying not to speak to much while setting the table with the other waitresses.

"Tell me why we always need to eat like there is some sort of feast?" Lizzie asked looking around the table.

"Because you yourself eat about half the food" Kaden sassed with a grin making everyone around the table laugh. The Luna's laugh being the loudest. 

Let me give you a clearer image. Usually, the beta, the gamma, the gamma female, ex-Luna Grace, Lizzie, and usually two to three high ranking pack warriors always join the current Alpha and Luna.

So there is always 8 to 9 people dinning, it's a tradition, and no matter how annoyed Izzie considers it, I know deep down she loves it.

"That is so not true. You only wish you could be as good looking as me. Unfortunately for you, I got the good genes in the family. Isn't that right momma?" Izzie taunted with a sly smirk.

"I pride myself in saying I made pretty beautiful children Elizabeth." Luna Grace chuckled rubbing Kaden's back with that warm motherly smile.

"See Izzie? Children. As in plural, not singular" Kaden chuckles as Grace rolls her eyes at her kids childishness.

"I feel deeply betrayed mother" Izzie sighed playfully.

"Oh hush you two and let these poor kids serve us. They've been standing there watching us talk for far too long" She said looking at us. "Oh Amara dear. Hello darling. I haven't seen you in a while" She greeted as her eyes landed on me with a warm welcome.

"Luna Grace happy to see you" I greeted respectfully lower my gaze while doing so.

"How is little Nick doing?" She asked kindly as we all went around serving food. I carefully placed her breakfast in front of her while replying "ah well he is not so little anymore. A couple more months and he'll outgrow me. I hate it" I joked playfully making her chuckle.

"Alpha" I mumbled as I placed his plate in front of him. "Thank you Amara" He replied as I nodded backing away and standing back in line with the other staff.

"That's all that is needed for now. You three may leave. Thank you" Luna Darya announced in her overly sweet tone, throwing me a subtle glare.

She hates me. I hate her. It's fair. 

"I hate her too. And I bet her wolf hates you too" Davina perks in my head and I roll my eyes at her comment.

"Is there a problem Amara?" Luna perks in a sharp tone making everyone grow silent.

"No Luna" I speak firmly a bit confused at her snappiness.

"She's literally just standing there. Why would she have a problem?" Lizzie snaps defensively on my behalf at Darya's comment.

"Elizabeth" Her mother scolded  her for disrespecting Darya. "What?" She asked innocently with a knowing smile.

"It's okay Grace. I'm used to her lack of manners" Darya commented sweetly grinning at a glaring Izzie.

"Please Darya, you're gonna educate me on manners-" Lizzie challenged before Kaden interrupted her. "Liz enough. You know you have to respect my mate. She's the Luna of this pack which makes her your Luna."

"Sadly" She mumbles loud enough for our werewolf hearing to catch. I bite my lips to keep from laughing as well as several others.

"Just stop" Kaden warned giving her a challenging glare and Lizzie knew better than to push her luck any further.

"Let's not let our breakfast go cold. Eat children." Grace encouraged.

"You may go. Now" Kaden commanded making our body move involuntarily at his order. We lowered our heads. "Yes Alpha" we whispered leaving the halls.

"Oh shit. That was intense." Alex chuckled bumping his shoulder with mine as I grinned at him.

"Izzie is such a badass" Stephanie commented and I smiled proudly. "She really is. I can't argue with that" I replied.

"Her temper is gonna get her in trouble one day though" Alex added and I chuckle.

"She's the Alpha's little sister, how much trouble can she actually get in?" Stephanie challenged.

"A lot if Alpha Kaden losses his temper" I replied truthfully. "I swear those two have their father's temper because Luna Grace is a cotton of sugar" Alex smiled.

"Oh absolutely" I laughed as we walked back into the kitchen with neutral faces. We gave each other a knowing glance with the tiniest of smiles before parting ways.

I truly love my friends. They make hard days like these the tiniest bit easier to get through. I miss my mom and dad. But sometimes I find myself forgetting certain things, and every time I lose a memory of us, it feels like I am loosing a part of them. A part of the little I have left.

Hi everyone. I hope you all like the chapter!!

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