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"Happy birthday Mar" Steph whispers in my ear as she hugs me from behind in excitement.

"Shhhhhhh" I hushed her passive-aggressively as she gave a puzzled look. "What?" She questioned looking around the empty kitchen.

"Don't be so loud" I scolded her as she walks around me and glares at me. "I can't even wish you a happy birthday" She replies in shock as I smile at her.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept it to yourself while we are at work" I explained myself as Alex waltz in with half a dozen balloons in one hand and a neatly wrapped gift on the other.

"So much for keeping it lowkey" Steph accuses as she glares at him while he smirked at her cockily. "In my defense I genuinely did not  believe you would listen to me" He argues smiling guiltily at her.

"Oh  I didn't. I have her gifts in my car. I just know how sensitive she is about birthday celebrations" She said defensively pointing at me like I was the one to blame for such atrocity.

"Alex-" I spoke alarmingly "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMORE MIO" He yells purposefully as I glare at him.

"Shut up!" I whispered-yelled covering his mouth shut with my hand. "You have to be quiet" I scolded him as he chuckled. He mumbled in agreement before I pulled away from him as he stares at me with an amused glint in his eyes.

"Thank you" I added as he places the balloons and gift in my hands. He kisses my cheek childishly grabbing my head in his large hands to keep me in place.  "Let go of me you big man-child!" I mocked playfully as he pulls me close and hugs me.

"Happy birthday best friend" He mumbles chuckling in my ear. "Thank you Lex" I smiled rolling my eyes as Steph wedges herself in between the both of us with a smile.

"I can't believe we've been friends since 13 and Lizzie still doesn't know us" She blurts us suddenly making Alex and I snap our heads at her. 

"Well that came out of nowhere" Alex smiled furrowing his eyebrows at her.  "It's just...it annoys the hell out of me. She thinks we're just your work friends and we're not. I am...I know that we're not your lifetime partner... person... but we're just as important as her right Alex?" Stephanie rants all in one swift breath.

"Uh...ye-yeah?" He stutters rubbing her back  "Sorry. I've had that bottled up for years and just-I had to say it. She's annoying. Every time we visit its like she's met us for the very first time. It's like its her world and we're all just living in it" She continues as I rub her back comfortingly.

"Liz is... special in her own way. And even though she may come off as a self- conceited individual. Once you get to know her, she is the softest and most selfless person in the world. She's just hard to get to know at first. Plus, she's my friend, trust me I wouldn't be friends with someone who is mean and brutal as you paint her out to be" I defended my best friend giving Steph a small smile.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you're right. And here I am just trash talking her" She says with a frown.

"Yeah I don't really appreciate it that" I hear Lizzie's voice speaks from the kitchen door and we all snap our heads in her direction.

"Lizzie" We all greeted in unison and seconds later focused our sight unto the large frame behind her.

"Alpha" We greeted a little more formally now as we stood up tall and pulled away from each other. 

"We came here because Kaden has given you the day off" Lizzie announced clearing her throat while glaring at Stephanie.

"I'm so sorry" Steph apologizes flustering in embarrassment. "Oh shut up. I'm not a bitch. I just act like one" Lizzie snaps glancing at me for support. I

"Alpha you do not need to give me the day off" I say instead avoiding a very awkward conversation with my two friends. 

"I know but it's your 19th birthday. Go enjoy yourself" He smiles kindly at me. "Well uh- Luna didn't exactly gave me permission the first time. So-I-I don't want any problems- uh later..." I stutter as Izzie rolled her eyes.

"I assure you the Luna will not have a problem" He assures me and I nod fidgeting with my gifts. Alex rubs my upper back comfortingly and relaxed the tiniest bit.

Kaden's eyes flickered between us at the gesture as he clenched his jaw tightly while his posture grew rigid.

" I also got your friends the day off. Even if some of them do not deserve it. And I am not talking about you Alex" Lizzie said bitterly as Steph frowned and I subtly gave my friend a slight warning glare.

"Oh thank you Miss Elizabeth" Alex replied cordially as she chuckles. "Please you've seem me drunk. Stop being weird because my brother is around. He doesn't bite. Unless of course he hates you." She grins teasing him as Alex clears his throat in fear.

"Izzie" I growled at her as she laughed. 'Ok ok I'm sorry. Geez, I can't even tease him without you butting in" Izzie chuckles as Kaden rolls his eyes almost involuntarily.

"Well I got things to do. See you later kiddo" Kaden bids goodbye kissing Izzie's forehead as she eaves him off.

"Oh and Amara if you can walk me to my office..." Kaden talks to me directly as I stare at him with uncertainty. "Uh-yea-yeah" I stutter shoving my gifts back to Alex. "Can you take these to my car Lex please?" I mumbled as he nods with a smile.

"Whatever the birthday girls wishes..." He grins as I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up" I chuckled smacking his shoulder.

"Amara now" Kaden adds a little more impatiently as I nodded walking towards the kitchen exit.

"I'll see you at home roomie" Lizzie winks kissing my cheek as I walk out. 

"Follow me" Kaden instructs as he walks ahead of me. I stare at his broad back for a few seconds before diverting my gaze away from his flexing muscles.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked quietly so only his wolf hearing could pick up on what I mumbled.

"No you're not Amara. But I-I think we need to talk" He says as we both stare at his office doors. 

"Okay..." I mumbled in reply as we walk through the wooden doors that have terrified me my entire life.

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