Book Discontinued (for now)

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December 31, 2021:

I will be taking a break from writing this book for a little while so I can focus on other projects. I'm also starting college again starting Monday so things will start getting back to their usual hectic schedule and I will have very little time to write again. Reader interaction is also very very little on this book. And I honestly don't want to spend time writing a book only very people read and/or are interested in. Book writing is a long and heavy process. It's a time investing, and as a writer, I do take into consideration reader response and popularity to determine whether or not to discontinue books. Some viewership and engagement are key for me in choosing which projects I'll distribute my spare time to. And sadly, this book is one of them and I'll have to put a stamp on it for now.

It is not a forever goodbye, but maybe if this book increases its reader engagement then I'll consider revisiting this book in the future.

For now, I'll leave it incomplete, and I'll come back to it if and when I find enough motivation to continue this story.

Thank you to all of you that have been a constant support in the making of this book. You guys continue to be supportive in all the endeavors I embark on. And leave the kindest and most uplifting comments, it is for you that I continued the story as long as I have:



To the both of you, thank you so much!

With love,


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