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" Did you hear anything I just said" Alex asked me softly as I agape at him dumbfounded.

"Uh-I-I'm still processing" I stuttered staring at him. "You can stare at me all you want, it won't make what I said go away" He jokes as I grinned at him sadly.

"I'm so sorry Alex" I replied truthfully grabbing his hand in mine. "Hey at least I'm not the only one anymore" He chuckles dryly.

"Ok I'm gonna freak out now" I exhaled in desperation as Alex nodded. "Five minutes. Go!" Alex encouraged.

"YOU'RE DARYA'S MATE!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Yes" He confirms almost in embarrassment.

"And she rejected me before I could even get a word out" He tells me for the second time today.

"What an absolute bitch" I growled angrily on his behalf. "I could say the same about your mate" He counters.

"How long ago was this?" I asked curiously as he dropped his gaze from mine.

"8 months ago" He mumbles sadly.

"Hey" I mumbled grabbing his face in my hands to lift his gaze. "You deserved better than her anyways. You most definitely dodged a bullet" I joked miserably as he laughed lightly nonetheless.

"Did you feel the mate bond?" He asked me as I observe his eyes grow sadder by reminiscing his own experience.

"Alex we don't need to talk about this. I know this is hard for you" I frowned caressing his cheeks feeling bad for being the reason why he is feeling this pain again.

"No this is good. I can finally talk about this. I've been bottling it up for 8 months. When-when I first saw her, my heart stopped, for a single moment, it was like it was just us two. She was in the kitchen screaming at Steph for doing something wrong. And as soon as her eyes met mine I think she felt it too. She told me she needed my help and we walked away." He said weakly clearing his throat while pulling away from me.

"She wouldn't even let me within 6 feet from her. I wanted to touch her hand, wrap my arms around her, pull her close and kiss her. But all she wanted to do was run away from me" He finishes his voice breaking as he stares out a window. I could see tears rolling down his eyes as he coughs trying to disguise it.

"I wanna reject him" I mumbled quietly as he snaps his head towards me in shock. 

"You want to reject the alpha" he asked incredulously looking at me with his teary eyes.

"Well its not only I want to, I am going to. I just need to do it when we are both alone" I explained rapidly.

"It hurts. The rejection. On both sides. No matter who does the rejection" He tells me staring into the distance.

"Did you reject her?" I asked him softly as he took a sharp breath making me bite my lip nervously. "You don't need to tell me. I'm sorry if I overstep" I apologize fidgeting with my hands. He clasped his overly large hands over mine.

"You gotta stop doing that Mar" He chuckles lowly. "I was too weak. I couldn't reject her. I wanted her. She didn't want me" He explains playing with my hands as I frown.

"I officially hate Darya. My hate list is very very small. But she's my number one" I growled rolling my eyes angrily. 

"Did it hurt her? When she rejected you?" I asked him softly and he nodded his head. "She fainted right into my arms." he said quietly as a tear drop grazed my hand.

"Alex" I whispered softly wiping a tear from his cheek.

"Kaden knows about me Amara. I carried her into his office. Tears in my eyes. At first, I think he thought she was dead in my arms or something. But then he realized what had happened and kicked my ass for getting rejected, as if I was the one to blame. But you know what's worse? An Alpha beating me up was twenty times less painful than feeling like my heart had been ripped out of my chest by her" He said with little to no emotion this time.

"Wait back the hell up. Kaden beat you up? Like physically hurt you?" I gasped glaring at him as he nodded.

"A fucking bastard" I blurted out angrily. "I'm fine" Alex added quickly.

"Why would he hurt you? It's not your fault your mate is a cold hearted bitch. And if anything, its his fault you got rejected. He stole her from you. He took your chance to be with your mate. He is a fucking asshole!!!" I fumed angrily. Rain started pouring down like the sky was about to fall apart. It was like a million bullets were bombarding my car.

I hate having these gifts. Manipulating nature is all fun and games until this type of outbursts happens.

"Take a deep breath Amara. We don't want floods" He teased playfully rubbing my back to try and calm me down.

"I hate this. I-I hate this. I hate it" I whispered my heart aching as realization settled in. "Why does the goddess hate me so much? I-I just want peace. I-I want to be happy. I want-want to be loved the right way damn it." I exclaimed as silent tears ran down my face. I looked out the window refusing to let Alex see me cry.

"I've seen you cry plenty of times Mar. Don't get shy now" He whispered grabbing my chin and turning my head to face him. He wiped my tears gently with a frown. "I hate seeing you cry" He commented as I smiled softly. "I try to avoid it" I teased but I couldn't bring myself to laugh at my own pathetic joke.

"Whatever you decide. I'll be here" He tells me after a long silence. Just the soft and comforting rain surrounding us.

"I know" I smiled grabbing his hand in mine.  "But I think we both know that there is no choice to make" I finished as the rain stopped abruptly leaving us with distant howling deep in the forest.

My mind was made up. I've been told by many that I can be a very indecisive person. But this, this is definitely not something that I had to ponder for long. My decision had been made. I think, deep down, from the moment I laid eyes on him I knew.

I am rejecting the Alpha.

Hi everyone. I hope you all like the chapter!!

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