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"You can't work on your birthday!" Izzie exclaimed in disbelief as I sighed heavily.

"It sucks I know. But I requested the day off 3 weeks ago and Alex got word that it got rejected by the Luna" I voice as I eat my oatmeal while Izzie paced back and forth.

"It's ridiculous, it's not like they'll die if you don't go for one day. You are not an essential worker" She huffed angrily as I glanced at her. "Gee thanks Izzie" I deadpan playfully as her eyes widen in horror.

"Oh shit. I did not mean it like that. I'm sorry. I'm just pissed. I had the whole day planned" She pouted as she came to sit next to me.

"NICK HURRY UP I GOTTA GO!!" I yelled down the hall.

"Coming" He groaned lowly from his room and I rolled my eyes at his moodiness. Male werewolves tend to have very sensitive tempers in puberty.

"I know Izzie and I am grateful but I can't take the day off. We will just have to celebrate at night" I smiled at her and she glared at me. "You mean at 11pm when you're birthday is almost over" she rephrased for me and I smiled sadly.

"Yes. Buy me cheesecake" I smiled and she chuckled. "You get so much joy out of little things" She laughed and I smiled happily. "So yes?" I perked with a raise of an eyebrow. "Yes I'll get you your stupid cheesecake" She smirked as my grumpy brother walks out of his room with his school bag hanging loosely around his shoulder.

"Have some breakfast" I encourage as I point towards a plate with some pancakes, eggs and sausage. "No thanks" He shrugged off walking towards the door and opening it forcefully. 

I glare at the back of his head before waving my hand shutting the door back closed by manipulating the air around me.

"Seriously" My brother deadpan looking back at me. " Don't make me drag you to your seat too" I warned raising my hand up as he rolled his eyes.

"I thought you said you don't ever use your powers" He snapped back angrily as he sat in a stool and chumped on his breakfast. "Well don't provoke me and I won't have to." I reply back handing him a glass of orange juice. "So what has your panties in a twist?" Lizzie asked bluntly as my brother glared at her.

"Rylan" He mumbled angrily as he took another bite from his pancakes. 

"What did that little shit do now?" Izzie growled looking at my brother.

"He's just so annoying. He thinks because he is the Luna and Beta's little brother he could just order everyone around" He rants chugging down his orange juice.

"I swear I don't even know how Tyler is related to those two. Darya and Rylan are devil incarnate" Izzie huffs as Nick agrees with her.

"He wanted me to "fetch" him some lunch yesterday and when I refused he-" Nick spoke before abruptly stopping himself.

"He what?" Izzie and I both questioned him in anticipation. "Never mind just forget it" He shrugs.

"The hell with that. Spit it out" Lizzie speaks up before I had a chance to.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Let's just say I put him in his place" He smirks cockily making me eye him warily.

"Nicklaus what did you do?" I asked more sternly as Izzie bit her nails in fear looking towards my little brother.

"Nothing" He said defensively as I glared at him some more. "Nicklaus" I warned him again. 

"Okay...I might have...punched him..." He admitted hesitantly as I gasped and Lizzie cheered.

"Way to go little wolf" She high five him as I directed my glare towards her.

"Izzie" I scolded as she smiles innocently. "What? I wish I could punch Darya at least once a day" She chuckles as I shook my head in disappointment.

"You know your little show off with Rylan is gonna bite me in the ass not you" I scolded at my little brother as he apologized under his breath.

"You better hope I don't hear about this from the Luna because if I do, I will kick your ass for it" I warned him as I picked up my car keys.

"Now let's go or you'll be late for school." I told him pointing towards the door. He got up waved Izzie goodbye and we left for school.

"You cannot get in fights with the Luna's brother" I told him when we were driving in silence.

"But Izzie says-" He tries to argue with me. "Izzie is the alpha's sister. She sees things very differently. Just trust me and do as I say" I replied more softly this time.

"I'm sorry. I'll try" He promises and I smiled at him. As we enter the school's drive way we bid our goodbyes.

"Oh and Mar..." He yells from the school front steps.

"Yeah?" I smiled at him through the driver's seat.

"Happy birthday sis!" He smiled blowing me a kiss as I chuckled and wave him off.

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