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"So um...do you want some water or uh something?" Kaden offered nervously walking around his desk and towards his leather chair. I stood by the door staring at the floor as silence filled the room. I couldn't breath all of sudden knowing we were alone in room together.

"Amara?" Kaden called my name making me snap out of my trace and mumble him a weak reply. "Uh-y-yes?" I whispered fidgeting with my fingers nervously.

"Can you look at me?" He chuckled from his seat and I lifted my gaze to meet his. "Sorry" I apologized looking at his grey eyes before averting my gaze to observe the room around me awkwardly.

"So if I'm not in trouble why am I here Alpha?" I asked politely looking at him briefly with a small smile.

"You don't need to call me Alpha when no one else is around Mar" He chuckled as he played with a pen in his left hand.

"Okay uh-Kaden what do we need to talk about?" I asked again as he smiled softly before clearing his throat.

"Uh right... so I heard that Nick got in a fight with Rylan. A punch or two were thrown" He speaks in amusement as I groan blushing bright red in embarrassment. "Oh goodness. I-I am so sorry about Nick" I apologized hiding my face behind my hands.

"He-he tends to get a little angry when our parents death anniversary circles around every year" I explained. "But I-I know that's not an excuse. It doesn't justify what he did but you must know Rylan also provoked him. Nick is not a violent person and-" I ranted in nervousness as he smirked at me nodding his head.

"I spoke to Rylan already but I just wanted to check in with you regarding Nick. Naturally Darya was very upset about hearing her little brother got punched at school" Kaden explains eyeing me carefully as I clench my hands angrily.

"Yeah well I was upset hearing about how some little asshole keeps bullying my brother" I snapped angrily as Kaden stared at me wide eyed making me gasp in return.

"I-I am so sorry. I didn't mean to call Rylan any names..." I lied through my teeth glancing at my hands on my lap.

"Don't lie" He chuckled. "Please don't tell the Luna" I begged with a small smile. "I'm not a gossip" He grinned at me as I sighed in relief. "And please trust me when I say that Nick will not be doing that again. I'll kick his ass myself if I have to" I said in all seriousness with my intimidating face.

"I have zero doubts" He replied looking at me with a very odd glint in his eyes making grow nervous yet again. "So is that all you needed to talk to me about?" I asked looking up at him.

"Well umm mostly yes" Kaden replied making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Mostly? What else is there?" I asked curiously.

"Alex. Is he your boyfriend or...?" He asked bluntly making me cough in discomfort. I stayed silent for a long while until he spoke up again.

"So?" He pushed as I swallowed long and hard. "He is my best friend" I replied in all honesty.

"I thought Elizabeth was your best friend" He accused narrowing his eyes at me as I challenged him with a glare of my own.

"I'm allowed to have more than one best friend. He has been there for me when I've needed him the most. So, yes, he is one of my best friends" I repeated more boldly now meeting his gaze.

"Well he sure doesn't seem to think you're his friend" He challenges crossing his arms.

"Alpha, this is none of your business" I snapped and he growled warningly. "Respectfully" I added as his eyes turned black.

"I'm just looking out for you" He announces angrily. "I've been looking after myself for far too long. I don't need you. No offense" I reminded him.

"Amara" Kaden growl lowly.

"Is that all? Or are you going to keep questioning my life choices?" I challenged bitterly.

"No. You may leave now" He confirmed pointing towards the door condescendingly.

"Thank you for the day off" I mumbled softly looking over my shoulder as I gripped the door handle.

"Happy 19th birthday Amara" He bid me goodbye with a ghost of a smile, his eyebrows still furrowed in anger.

"Thank you Kaden" I smiled softly before turning around walking out of his office.

That was definitely an odd conversation. Why is acting so weird today??

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