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"You guys were gone for an hour and didn't bring beers" Lizzie deadpan as we walked in my house.

"Happy birthday" a couple other of friends greeted me.

"Colton, Laura, Tyler. Hi. Thank you guys for coming" I smiled giving them a hug.

"I thought we weren't going to see you" Tyler teases as I chuckle.

"Well we couldn't find the beers. But we did buy a bunch of chips and different sweets" I encouraged pointing towards the bags that Alex displayed for everyone.

"We solved the missing Jane Doe case file" Ally informs us as I pout. "Oh man. Well I'm glad you guys found her" I said happily.

"A lot of decisions were made" Kaden points out as I clenched my jaw tightly. "Is that so?" I challenged raising my eyebrows unamused my his comment.

"Yeah. We all sat down and talked to each other and were able to figure it out. Together" He explains as everyone cluelessly agreed.

" Well you're always one decision away from a totally different life. Good or bad. We choose that" I told him as he frowned at my response looking at the floor.

"I totally agree with you girl. Total girl boss mindset. I need to be more assertive" Izzie smiled clapping her hands together.

"I want cheesecake" I announce walking towards the strawberry flavored one.

"I can't believe it's not cherry" Izzie argues as I chuckled.

"It is my second favorite" I tried to appease her as she pouted.

"Next time I'll get you a strawberry cheesecake. I promise" Izzie smiled apologetically.

"You know I love you regardless" I smiled pulling her close into a warm embrace.

"I love you too bestie" She smiles as I feel other hands go around us. I look to the side seeing Kaden with his arms around the both of us. I could feel the sparks spread quickly around my body like firecrackers. "Happy 19th birthday Mar. We will always be here for you" Kaden announces with his face mere inches away my own. I look towards Alex with pleading eyes.

"So are we gonna have cheesecake or what?" Alex interrupts the 'intimate' moment as I pull away.

"Yes. Come help me" I ordered as he walked towards the kitchen. After we had handed everyone a slice of cheesecake. We ate silently while everyone told their funny life stories.

"Remember when I sliced open my upper thigh and Kaden almost killed you?" Lizzie burst into a fit of laughter as Tyler rolled his eyes.

"How could I not? He was suppose to look after you" Kaden growled reminiscing. "Well I'm not a babysitter and she climbed up that hill so fast. It was rocky and merely impossible. I looked away for one minute and she was gone" Tyler said defensively.

"I agree with Tyler. I was there. I warned Izzie not to do it. But when does she ever listen to me?" I added as everyone agreed.

"You are only one not to follow rules" Kaden adds a little too coldly for my liking.

"Yeah well I don't like people dictating my life" I snapped back making everyone grow silent at my aggressive tone.

"We should open gifts now" Lizzie encouraged trying to avoid an awkward silence in the room.

"Yeah sounds fun. I have to work tomorrow anyways and you two have school tomorrow" I announced pointing at the two very tired teenagers laying on the couch.

"We will go first" Colton and Laura smiled handing me an enveloped as I eyed it warily.

"You'll like it. I promise" Laura added as I open it up. "You got me tickets to Hawaii?" I asked in disbelief.

"Just a 4 day trip. You choose the dates" Colton added as I giggled happily hugging them tightly.

"And do these tickets come in pairs or what?" Lizzie questioned looking at me.

"I'm taking Nick. You buy your own tickets. These are my gifts" I flaunt them in her face and she huffed.

"Kaden can you buy me a plane ticket to Hawaii?" She asked sweetly with a pout.

"Whatever" He rolls his eyes as Lizzie tackles him in a hug. "Thank you" She smiled at him.

"Mine next" Lizzie called excitedly and so it went around like that with every single one of my friend.

"The most anticipated gift" Alex bragged handing me his neatly wrapped gift. It was hand sized box that I inspected curiously. "The gift is inside Mar" He teased as I chuckled. I unwrapped it and opened the delicate box eager to see what was inside.

I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips at the sight in front of me. "Alex..." I mumbled speechless. "It is beautiful" I admired it from its box.

"Well pull it out and let me see" Izzie encouraged impatiently. I did as told and carefully lifted the most beautiful necklace.

"Gorgeous" Laura complimented. "Stunning" Lizzie added.

"I love it Alex. Thank you" I squealed excitedly running to his arms as hugged my tightly laughing at my excitement. Our hug lingered on for a moment or two longer before I let go of him.

"Help me put it on" I told him handing him the necklace and pulling my hair out of the way. He carefully clasped it and I smiled.

"It looks beautiful" Lizzie smiled clapping her hands excitedly. "Thank you" I whispered together him hugging him one more time before picking up a small box.

"Who is this from?" I asked with a soft smile looking around the room. "Mine" Kaden replied leaning against our living room wall. His eyes were two shades darker than his usual grey color.

"Oh" I responded opening it quickly. My eyes widen by the gesture as I swallowed hard trying to compose myself and figure out what to say to him.

'Well what is it?" Izzie asked being nosey. "Uh-it-it's uh- bracelet" I told them picking it out of the box.

"Look at you being thoughtful Kaden. I'm proud" Izzie complimented as he smiled at her gratefully.

"So do you like it?" He asked softy eyeing my every move. "Uh-yeah yeah it's-uh it's a really kind gesture. You shouldn't have bothered Alpha" I told him looking down at the bracelet. "But thank you Alpha. It's lovely" I added looking up to meet his gaze.

"You're welcome Amara" He replies his grey eyes staring intensely unto my hazel ones.

"We need to get going. We have an early morning. Travelling to a nearby pack for some diplomatic discussions" Kaden added clearing his throat as he made eye contact with his beta and Gamma.

"I should go too. We all have early shifts" Steph added looking at Alex.

"She's right" Alex agreed looking down at me.

"Alex. Steph. You guys should sleep guest bedrooms. We can all carpool tomorrow. Our shifts are the same" I offered.

"Thank you but I promised my mate I'd come home tonight to spend some time with him" Steph apologized.

"Alex. You can take your little sister to the room. Both Nick and her are knocked out on the couch. And we'll just drop them off at school tomorrow before work" I communicated my plan and he agreed.

"Sure Mar. Thank you" He agrees as he walks towards his sister.

"I'll walk all of you out. Thank you for coming. I had an amazing birthday" I smiled grateful as everyone made a line to leave.

"I hope you find your mate soon" Laura wished happily and I nodded with a forced smile. "Yeah me too" I lied as Kaden gave a discreet glance.

Well today was definitely a memorable birthday to say the least.

Hi everyone. I hope you all like the chapter!!

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