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Take in a deep breath and hold it.

Look around and see.

The world works in mysterious ways everything intertwined held by lock and key. I say everything happens for a reason, but tell me what you think?

The man awaits patiently for hot coffee, and on accident the barista knocks it over and scalds him to the third degree. They exchange apologies, shouts, and painful screams. Soon it all settles and they strike a conversation about hot tea, she invites him for rounds and entails its her treat. He kindly accepts and when they are to meet she walks in and everything else just happened like a dream. Serendipity, serendipity oh you are so keen. For she was ready to end her life before they were to meet, but she stopped holding her breath and let everything come with ease. A smile can make a day. A compliment can change a life. A little love goes a long way just remember the love you make is equal to the love you take.

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