A new day with you.

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What? She's actually posting a new story in this dead book..
YEP.  Gimme thoughts? Cause I don't know if I'll continue in this book or make a whole new one 🤷‍♀️

Hitoshi loves his little life.

He loves how every morning he gets woken up by his cat Tracy's tail hitting him in the face. He loves how he smells fresh pancakes, and as he stretches and makes his way downstairs he is greeted with the greatest sight.

He loves his boyfriend, not only because he's super cute and totally out of his league but also because of things like this. Waking up to the sight of Denki cooking is always a blessing.

Because then he gets to hug him from behind and hears Denki say, "Well good morning ya big teddy bear".

Hitoshi just hums tiredly and lets his hands sit on the scars around his love's hips, before twirling them forward and tracing his navel piercing.

"You hungry? I'm making pancakes with eggs'', Denki moves one hand down to Hitoshi tracing his fingers, and the promise ring they both wear.

"I'm always hungry", Hitoshi says as he moves to the blonde's neck and kisses down the side of it, kissing a patch of freckles there. Denki giggled as he said, "Hey that tickles baby". Hitoshi grins into his hair because he knows Denki loves it.

Hitoshi kisses the top of his head one more time before going over to the table, Denki finishes up the food so he stacks the pancakes up, puts the eggs down and places the plates down in front of both of them.

Hitoshi smiles and grabs Denki's hand, interlocking their fingers across the table.

Breakfast is never quiet, another thing Hitoshi loves.

Even though Denki can be such a nuisance it keeps the light in his life. Just like his quirk, he gives that spark of love that Hitoshi needs.

Denki gets to talk about everything and anything, ranging from a new cat collar he saw, "It was so fluffy! And it had a heart on it like come on. Tell me that isn't the most adorable thing you've ever seen". To more serious things like his mother calling him from the hospital. Hitoshi rubs his hand for comfort, giving him reassurance.

"She's a strong woman kitten, she made you remember- ow!", Denki laughed with a "Shut up!", and shocked Hitoshi a little. Not enough to do damage.

Breakfast is finished and that means Hitoshi has to split with his love. Just for a bit. Denki places the dishes into the sink. He kisses Hitoshi for the first time today and when Hitoshi pecks his cheek he asks, "Do you wanna take a shower together?".

Hitoshi hums in a thinking mode, "Yeah. Go feed the cats. I'll go start it up. Hopefully you won't shock me with your dick again", He moved away only to hear Denki say.

"That was one time!".

"Still happened!".

"You're never going to live that down are you?".

"Fuck no!", Hitoshi laughed. He turned the shower on soon after he was stripping out his clothes. He stood in the water for about 3 minutes before he heard the bathroom door shut.

"Your dad texted you", Denki said as he pulled his pajama shorts down his carmel legs, "He wants us to go with him to a meeting".

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