Cause you pushed my love aside

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It was U.A's football game, yelling and cheers filled the field as the footballs players scored through the held up sign that had their logo. Principal Nezo walked up to the sound and tapped on the mic twice.

"Quiet now, quiet. Hello students! Welcome go U.A highschoolers! I hope you all are excited for this years playoffs!". Principled yelled into the mic that made all the students yell in a cheer. Denki rattled his poms in his hands as he listened on, "Make sure to stay hydrated, drink water, and be heros!". As Nezo walked off the band music began to play.

Denki shuffled over to Momo and dropped own on the seat in a hurry, "Did I do okay Mo?'.

Momo smiled brightly, "Oh yeah! your kicks were stellar".

The blonde blushed slightly, "Thanks..".

"Uh Denki". Momo rushed out, "I needa tell you something-".

"Momo!", Todoroki appeared next to Denki and wrapped an arm around him, "Thank you for finding Kami for us". Beside him were Mina and Bakugou.

"Come on Kam, we have a surprise", Mina said with a grin plastered on her face, Bakugou snickered beside her.

"Why are we here again", Jirou complained as she sat in her old beat up car, the guys were on the outside chuckling to one another.

"Shouto wanted us to come, he said it could be fun", Sero explained, the mention of Todoroki made his face fluster up and Kirishima noticed. He hit him on the arm.

"Oh I see", He cackled, "We're here so you can get your loving on huh?".

Shinsou chuckled behind them, "Well he won't have to wait", He said as he nodded to the sassy group walking up to the jacket wearing gangsters.

Mathew rolled up behind the gang, "Ayo my favorite faggots and their signature dyke!".

He yelled at the group. Shinsou scowled as he clenched his fist up, Sero put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down, "Don't. He's not worth it".

"Fuck you Conners!", Kirishima yelled.

"You wish", Mathew winked then rolled off with some chick he kept his arm around. Jirou made a fake gag noise in her throat and perched her feet up on her car wheel.

"I'm not even a lesbian, I'm bisexual, what an asshole".

"I hate that motherfucker", Shinsou said as his demeanor calmed down.

"Tell me about it", Todoroki cut in as he planted in front of the boys and Jirou, Mina and Bakugou we're firm on their side as Momo was off to the right looking guilty as ever.

Shinsou grinned, "Shouto".

"Hitoshi", The teen replied with his stone cold smirk, "I gotta surprise for you".

"Oh yeah and what would that be?".

He moved out the way and Bakugou and Mina on cue split like the red sea. Denki was pushed forward, almost tripping on his shoes as he was pushed in Shinsou"s chest. Shinsou pulled his body up and was stunned at the smaller blonde looking up at him.

Denki pushed off the other's chest with his poms and exclaimed, "Hitoshi!".

"Denki?!", He asked as he pulled the freckled face in between his hand, "What are you doing here? I thought I lost you!".

"There was a change of plans", He giggled, "My big sister took me in after her and her wife got married so I could stay... I wanted to call you but I couldn't seem to reach you".

"I-", Hitoshi started before he painfully remember his friends we looking, he let go of Denki's face and took a step back and threw a hand through his lilac curls, "I mean I would've called but I got a new number so..".

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