All dressed in white

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Spelling mistakes and such are my own and I apologize in advance. I don't proof read my work so that's the reason for any errors.

Leave comments! Love to hear what you thought of the story.

Love as always and I hope you enjoy!

January 22nd, 2033,

Denki awakened from his beautiful dream with his head on his shoulders and a smile permanently on his face. His eyes fluttered open as he looked across the bed for his fiancé, who was no where to he found. The blonde began to frown for just a slight second as he looked around his area until he realized a note was left next to him on their bed side dresser. The paper was brown with flower patterns on the side and little swirls surrounding it making Denki smile. The note read:

Good morning my love. I've left to help with some additional details for the wedding ceremony but don't worry. Everything is going smoothly. Stay in bed for a bit and relax, eat some breakfast, take a long, nice bath, light a candle and read; Just enjoy your time, baby. Mina and Todoroki should come over around four to help you get dressed. Until then, I don't want you to lift a finger.

I'm jumping for joy as I write this. It's crazy to believe in just a few hours you'll be my husband, but I'll have to save my excitement for the wedding.

I love you, firefly.

Only yours, Hitoshi.

Denki's smile stretched further... married.

He was going to be married!

He scrambled to pull the covers off himself and as he did so his hair, that was usually wrapped in a bun for the night, fell out of its confinement's and into his face. The blonde sputtered the loose ends of his hair out of his mouth as he rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He pushes a purple headband to keep his hair out of his eyes as he took extra time on his skincare this morning. Determined to look glowy and effortless for today.

He went on to put in his contacts and get the straightener ready to straighten out his curls. Being Dominican and Japanese had its perks but messy hair was definitely a con. But as he began to pick up the straightener to pull it through his curls, the blonde decided; not today. Today he wanted to be as natural as possible for his soon to be husband.

Besides, why do his hair when Hitoshi was going to mess it up again tonight?

So he just put some curling products in and diffused before leaving out his bathroom to the closet. Denki smiled when he saw Hitoshi's side of the closet, all neat and full of brown, blues, purples, and blacks. His own side was completely different, and since he had already taken a shower the night before he decided it would be best to just change into some loose jeans and a Doja Cat shirt.

Denki walked out his room to the kitchen area where he greeted his four cats and fed them swiftly. He ordered door dash and picked up a book from the shelf next to their couch. Netflix played in the background of, "Boo bitch" while Denki read, "They both die at the end" by Adam Silvera. This is what Denki likes to do to relax. When their are no responsibility, no urgencies, no villain to take down. Just him with his book and his cats awaiting his Hitoshi.

His door dash came about forty five minutes later and Denki was already half way through his book. He kindly smiled to the man and took his food inside. His cats curled up on his lap as he sat o the couch, he petted Squirl as he took a bite of his English muffin and a sip of his boba tea.

The rest of the morning progressed furthermore as the blonde ate, wrote in his journal, and paid extra attention to his animals. It was a beautiful day for sure.

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