why don't you want me?

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But I needed to post something to feed y'all dummies so here you go.

I was also really into Dynasty and basically made a dynasty shinkami au. Again, Don't. Judge. Me.

This story involves cringe worthy writing such as the words: Purplette and "~". All spelling and grammar can be blamed on past Sleepy. Don't judge me, it's old. Thank you goodnight.

Two more groans were heard as white cum hit the red silky couch cushions, two males arising from their lying positions.

"So", Kaminari sighed as he went to his opened shirt, connecting the buttons to the hoops, "Did you read that report Bakugou sended in?", He asked.

Shinsou scoffed with a smirk, "I should've learned by now.. Discussing dividence is your idea of an after-sex cigarette", he shook his head in disbelief.

Kami looked to him with a chuckle finally getting his last button done.

"Well at least we moved past the, this is the last time we do it phase", Shinsou leaned down to the blondes neck kissing against the creamy skin.

The other gripped his shoulders and pulled him away, "No, this really is the last time, I didn't want people to think we only work together cause we share a bed".

The purplette chuckled, "You mean a couch, or the desk, or the sink", He connected their lips for a quick kiss, "Mmh, the only time we leave the building is to do it on the balcony".

''Exactly, we're obsessed", Kaminari crossed his arms over his chest, "If we don't stop now, who knows when we will".

"And...is that such a bad thing?", Shinsou half joked, going back to kissing Kami's neck and collarbone.

"Well it could be- Ah- we already have the reputation of the 'company whores' and this, '' He grabbed the other males head to look him his face, "This isn't helping".

"Yeah? It isn't?", Shinsou asked, his eyebrows quirking up in question.

Kaminari smirked as they kissed once more, falling down back on the couch.

Now you're probably wondering, What the hell is happening?. Well it started when the two we're going through a fight. Shinsou really liked Kaminari, but Kaminari wasn't intrested in a releationship, so one night when the blonde came back to redeem himself Shinsou kissed him and....they fucked, yep they slept together

Ever Since then Kami has tried to stop them, but its been a little too late. Shinsou still liked him but for now they were just fuck buddies.

"You think they heard us?", Shinsou asked feeling the blondes arm around his torso.

Ah yes his best friends Todoroki and Hanta, they lived just upstairs from Shinsou's room. They've had noise complaints before but honestly those two couldn't talk since Kaminari has had to hear 'Daddy' one too many times.

"Oh definitely, I can admit I am a screamer", He looked up to the lilac eyes.

They both laughed as Shinsou covered his face with his arm, "God what time is it, did we really do it till 12?".

Kami looked over to the clock, "No...", He rose up quickly, "But I am going to be late, shit I have a meeting with Kirishima!".

He jumped out the bed as Shinsou rose up to turn on his side. His face falling into the palm of his hand. He watched as his friend pulled his pants over his waist.

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