your natural state

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This really just some cute fluff but Denki-centric. Based on the Dominican! Denki headcanon.

Denki is Dominican. And has natural curly hair. No I don't care what you have to say about it.




A knot.

The comb gets stuck in that singular spot.

"Ow! Hitoshi!".

Shinsou chuckles as he moves Denki's long curly hair to the side and kisses his neck, intaking his caramel scent before responding, "Well if you didn't get in the water we wouldn't have this problem now would we?".

"It wasn't even my fault. Kyouka dared Bakugou and he pushed me in the pool", The blonde pouted. His hair was currently a mess, the usual long, silky, straightness that fell down to his back was now frizzy and curly and willed around like a lions mane, "Do you know how long it takes to wash, oil, and straighten this mess?".

Shinsou rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue as he starts brushing the ends of his boyfriend's hair, "It's not a mess baby, it's your hair. And its fucking beautiful might I add. You should wear it out more often". He grabbed the spray bottle from the side and sprayed some of the water/deep conditioner contraction into the blonde curls. Denki whined as Shinsou moved the comb up the roots.

"Don't hmm me, you keep straightening it you're going to heat damage your curls".

"Good, then I don't have to deal with them when I'm swimming or taking a shower".

"Baby", Shinsou sighed, "I wished you loved your hair the same way I love your hair.They're beautiful".

Denki scoffs, "You love this mess?".

"It's not a mess", The lilac haired teen states as the comb starts running through the fixed blonde curls smoothly, "It's beautiful, just like you're beautiful, baby".

Denki rolls his eyes but smiles as he rest his chin on his knees, "Stop buttering me up babe".

Shinsou chuckles and places the comb down on the bed, "Alright its all brushed out, is there anything else we need to do?".

Denki thinks for a second, "I need to put in my leave in conditioner then some oil, it should be good then. I'll just wash it tomorrow; it's been a two weeks anyway". Shinsou nods before kissing the top his boyfriend's hair.

He moved off the bed so he could grab Denki's supplies from his bathroom. When he came back Denki was wrapping one curl around his finger with a nonchalantly face, Shinsou frowned and sat back on the bed to pop open the leave in conditioner. "Why do you hate your curly hair so much?".

Denki raises his head up, "I don't hate it- Persay, I just.. don't like dealing with it. Everyone gets to walk out the shower and let their hair go free, I have to do a fucking five hour process to keep mine in check".

"Well that's not entirely true, Mina and Midoriya deal with their hair. So does Kirishima".

"Yeah but Mina knows how to make her hair look... good, and Kirishima has dreads and those are the most managble hair style I can think of. And Midoriya can just throw his hair in a bun and call it a day. If I tried that the hair tie would be stuck in my hair for weeks".

Shinsou works the conditioner down to Denki's ends then smooths his hands down his scalp where he can massage it and let his boyfriend relax, The blonde sighed before groaning as his boyfriends skilled fingers took away the tension in his brain,"Maybe we can go out and gets some things that would help out with it a bit? Something so it doesn't frizz up and become a "mess" as you so say".

Denki hums and grins as his boyfriend's fingers massage down his head then he feels the oils running down his scalp and head. All through Denki's life, he never liked his natural hair. His mom tried to make him appreciate it more, but when you grow up in an environment where all the boys had straight hair where they could just slick back, and the girls silky straight hair bounced around Denki realized he was the only one with "crazy" 3c curls. So he at the beginning of junior high he asked his mom to start straightening his hair, he never cut his hair so it grew down to his shoulder around this time. She, reluctantly, agreed and started straightening Denki's hair every two weeks. And when Denki hit the last year of junior high he could do it himself. He never liked the way his hair looked after he started straightening it, but now.. as he feels his boyfriend handle his natural hair with so much care he thinks.

' Okay.. maybe it's not so bad.'

After Shinsou is done Denki rolls his hair to the side of his shoulder and runs his fingers down the soften curls, he's never felt his hair feel this soft and pretty before.

He raises up and turns to kiss his boyfriend, "I guess we could try something new". Shinsou smiles then pulls Denki's hips so the blonde could straddle him and kiss him once again.

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