Denki Kaminari's horny and emotional journey of bisexuality

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Another long fic, not as long as the last one but hey its here. This is really Denki-centric (because he's my favorite character and I project myself onto him lol) it's basically humor and a long character analysis. With shinkami because- duh.

Any grammar and spelling mistakes are my own and I apologize in advance.

The first time Denki even considered the possibility of liking a boy was in junior high. It was the last year before he was shipped off to U.A to become a hero so he was working extra hard so he could pass the final exam.

But his mom found that he needed just a little more help then usual from her so she hired a tutor to help with Denki's basic studies like mathmatics and science-- things like that.

And this tutor was.. attractive. He was tall and muscular, and the white buttoned shirt strained against his arms that Denki found himself looking at a bit too long. The small stubble on the man's chin moved everytime he talked and his plump lips would make Denki weak in the knees when he smiled or licked them when they were dry.

Denki always wondered how it would feel to kiss him. Even though he knew he couldn't. He shouldn't.

It was a puppy crush.

About a few months in his first year one of his closest friends, Hanta Sero, came out to their friend group. It was simple really he just said, "I'm gay" and that was that. But Denki took notice of how no one really cared. Hanta was still the same Hanta he was before, he just talked about boys the way straight guys talked about girls.

Denki's curiosity got a bit deeper after that.

"So when you kiss is it like different from a girl's mouth?", He asked Hanta, hanging his legs of the edge of his hammock as Hanta flipped the page of his manga.

"Lips are lips Denki", Hanta chuckled, "They all feel the same. Though some guys don't put on chapstick and that just feels plain wrong".

"Hmm?", The blonde hummed, "What about when you like..".

Hanta closed his book slowly and looked over to Denki with a knowing look, "Like?".

"Yaknow", Denki gestured his hands around the air, "Bone".

That made the black haired teen laugh, "Bone? You're too funny man", He laughs, "I'm sure you can guess how that goes Denks".

Denki had some idea.. of how two men had sex. But he couldn't exactly wrap his mind around it completely, was that wrong? He wasn't sure. He was confused, because about a year ago he was absolutely sure he was straight and now he couldn't even comprehend what that word meant.

Did straight guys think about kissing other boys?

Did they think about what it felt like to be held by another man?

After that it didn't take long for other members of 1.A to starts coming out too. Like Momo, Ochako, and Tsuyu who are lesbians or Kyouka who's bisexual, or Shoji and tokoyami who are aroace.

And Kirishima, who's gay, one that Denki already predicted when he first met him.

The first time Denki kissed a boy was in second year, the year he met and became friends with Hitoshi Shinsou. The teen was brooding and and awkward but underneath that dark exterior held a beautiful heart. Denki knew Hitoshi wasn't like those rumors, he wasn't a villain, he had the same ambitions and goals as any other hero.

He liked Hitoshi.

He really liked Hitoshi.

And when Hitoshi told him he was pansexual he was.. confused to say the least, "You're what?".

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