Two sides of the same coin.

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I love a good crossover story.

"Yo! Hitoshi!", Kaminari yelled, his lungs losing breath as he tried to keep up with his companion who may I add was walking quite fast, "Dude please wait up!".

Shinsou stopped in his tracks, back pack strap in one hand as he turned around to see the bubbly happy blonde.

"Woah dude you sure are", Kami took a breath of air before finishing his sentance, "Fast...".

Shinsou rolled his eyes in reciprocation, looping Kaminari's arms with his to hold him up.

"Or maybe you're just to slow blondie", Shinsou smiled a bit as Kaminari rested his head on his shoulder. He unhooked thier arms before putting his arm around the other.

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm not as fast as you... Oh! By the way, did you know that I can stuff 24 oreos down my throat", Kami looked up to him, holding his midsection eagerly with a happy jump.

Shinsou grinned and rose an eyebrow, "Just 24? Couldn't even get 25? Or 30?", He amused, knowing these were the kind of things Denki would do that were adorable.

The blondette gasped before lookind down at their walking feet in thought.

"Holy shit, you're absoultly right", Kaminari sighed chewing his bottom lip right after saying that.

Shinsou laughed kissing the top of his lovers head, "You know I'm teasing you right?".

No response.

"Denki?", Shinsou questioned trying to look at Kami's face.


Still nothing.

Shit he's really in deep thought about this.

"You're not really thinking about stuffing 30 oreos down your throat are you?", The purple head asked as they almost approached school.

"Huh?", Kaminari looked up at him, one hand on his chin as he did so, "Oh no! Not 30 oreos!".

"Oh thank god-".

"I was thinking 40 instead!".

"Wait what-?".

"Oh hey look! New students!", Kaminari yelled pointing into the direction of two young males.

Both of them seemed to be the same age as Shinsou and Kami, just one seemed un naturally tall for a highschool student.

Kaminari grabbed the others hand and dragged him over to the way the other two were standing.

"Hey Tsuki.. I think we're lost", Yamaguchi said reluctantly, looking around the foregin place.

Tsukishima scoffed, pulling his headphones off his ears, "You think? Where the hell did Tanka send us to anyway?".

Yamaguchi looked around holding onto the others forearm with both of his hands.

"I don't know Tsuki, everyone looks so... Weird..".

"Oh please, not as weird as the people back at home, Tsukishima replied, "I mean look at Tendo and Bokuto, How the hell does gravity hold that hair up", He snickered.

Yamaguchi chuckled looking up to his boyfriend, "Pff, what about Nishinoya! Or Tanka he doesn't even have hair".

They both shared a laugh before Tsukishima pulled the other in for a hug, "We'll find our way back, somehow".

Yamaguchi looked up him, grabbing his face with his hands, "Promises?".

The glasses fiend smiled wrapping his arms around Yamaguchi's waist, "Of course, I promise".

They both smiled at at one another before pulling into kiss-


They both pulled back from the loud noise turning around to see a blonde haired boy with a large smile on his face with another boy, who didn't look to happy to be there hand in hand with each other.

"Oh my god! Hi! Are you guys new I'm Denki Kaminari, this is Shinsou my boyfriend, I can't believe we finally have some new people here, you would not belive how boring it gets to see the same people everysingle day, except my friends cause Like I love my friends, I could never get tired of them-".

Denki rambled on as Shinsou looked at him with a sigh. Tsuki and Yams just stood there not really knowing what to do or say.

"Erm... Is he always like this?", Yamaguchi asked to the purplette who raised his head up to look at him.

"Yes he is, Don't worry he'll probably tire himself out anyway", Hitoshi reasurred.

"Rightttttt..", Tsukishima spoke turning to the other male beside him, "I say we book it and just find the team later".

Yamaguchi rolled his eyes pulling Tsuki down by his collar, "Be nice!", He whispered slightly angrily though that was hard since he could never be mad at his lover, "They could help us''.

"And then Kirishima, the red head, he ended up fucking Bakugou in the closet while everyone had to listen, and honestly I'm still scarred to death Like how you gon' do that to your best friend but whatevers, and then-".

"Baby!", Shinsou yelled grabbing the blondes attention to him.

"Yes?", He asked his attention span not even lasting for a few minutes before turning back to the other two.

"Oh you guys are still here? Well yeah, Welcome to U.A! Though I have to ask you guys don't look like students, your not wearing our uniform so-''.

Yamaguchi cut him off, "Oh we're not! We actually don't even live here", He scratched behind his neck, "Our um.. Team mates accidentally-".

Tsuki budded in, ''Purposely".

Yamaguchi coughed in his hand and elbowed his boyfriend, "Accidentally left us here, and we need to find our way back".

"Oh?, well we could help out then!", Kaminari excitedly said putting an arm around the freckled teen.

"We can?", Shinsou spoke with a hint of disgust.

"Yes we can, right baby", Kaminari gripped his teeth together whilst looking at the insomniac, knowing he was a huge asshole who doesn't like to help anyone if it's not hero training.

Tsukishima scoffed, "What? You too much of an ass to help others in need".

"Exscuse me..".

That salty motherfucker.

"Tsuki!",Yamaguchi yelled in a frightened state before turning to Shinsou, "I'm so sorry about him! He just isn't super social!".

Hitoshi squinted his eyes at four eyes, clicking his tounge before replying, "I'll let it slide, but only this time".

Tsuki chuckled, grabbing his mates hand, "Yeah whatever".

Denki happily skipped while talking with Yamaguchi whilst Tsuki and Hitoshi insulted as well as made snarky remarks at eachother.

Seemed like a fun time.

Stay safe, drink water, look at milfs.

All love, Sleepy.

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