paint your face

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Denki and Hitoshi are alone on a summer day, what else can they do then enjoy each other's company.

Aka: Shinsou is whipped and Kami does his makeup.

All spelling and grammar mistakes are my own and I apologize in advance*

"Baby stop moving".

"It huuuuurts..".

"No it doesn't".

Denki moved the mascara wand over his boyfriend's lashes a final time. They were staying up in his dorm room for the summer, normally the students just stayed with family or went to the beach or whatever. But since Hitoshi's family lived in the school he didn't really get to go out much. Bringing in Denki, to bring a little more joy to his day then usual.

Denki rubbed the brush applicator over Hitoshi's cheeks, the pink blush being a nice contrast to the pale skin Hitoshi skin gave. The man barley went outside, only going for training, so his skin was much lighter then his counterpart. Denki had practically Carmel golden skin, And Hitoshi so desperate wanted to get his hands on it. But he settled on letting his hands lay comfortably over Denki's hips instead.

"Hitoshi if you keep moving I'm going to poke your eye out", Denki chuckled as he started adding some pencil eyeliner on the other's bottom lashes. Hitoshi sighed.

"Why are you even putting this shit on me anyway? I'm beautiful as is".

Denki chuckled as he pulled back, he grabbed the other teen's face with one hand and admired his handy work, "Yes you are baby, my beautiful handsome man", Hitoshi smiled into Denki's hands and leaned up to place a kiss on the blonde's lips.

"But I need to practice on someone, I only have my own face and I don't wanna break out again", Denki replied as he patted his lover's face with some kind of powder.

Hitoshi's eyes widened, "Wait this is going to make me break out?".

"Shush and lean you head back".

After a few more minutes of placing different makeup products on Hitoshi's face Denki squealed in excitement as he left off his boyfriend's lap and admired his handy work, "I'm a genius, I'm a godamn genius. I should do this for a living".

Hitoshi fluttered his eyes as they were elongated from the layers of mascara, "Baby, I literally can barely fucking see".

Denki giggles and grabs his phone, "Hold on, I need to take a picture for the squad".

Hitoshi's rolled his eyes but reluctantly stayed still as the blonde promptly told him to keep his eyes close and take a few picture of his face and eyes from the back camera of his phone.

"Aww you look so cute", Denki squeals and he switches his phone from picture to video, Hitoshi pouts a glossy lip and furrows his eyebrows, Denki flips the camera around to face him and let's his boyfriend pull him into his lap, "You like it?".

Hitoshi hums with a fake thinking sound, he smiles as he see Denki about to frown and gently kisses the underside of his jaw, 'I love it baby, you did a good job".

Denki immediately perks up and kisses Hitoshi's lips before kissing his forehead, he turns the camera off and turns to straddle his boyfriend's waist once again, "You should let me do your makeup more, often, you look so pretty".

Hitoshi chuckles, "Yeah right, this was a one time only thing".

"Ah just like how our night in on Tuesday was a 'one time' only kind of thing", Denki quotes before smirking at the light blush over the lilac haired teen's nose and cheeks.

"I regret letting you do that to me".

"No you don't".

"Yes. No one likes being bound against a bed frame".

"You sure liked it from the way you were yelling, 'Oh Denki!-".

Hitoshi quickly covered the blondes mouth before he could make anymore middle school boy like moans, Denki giggled into his hand

Hitoshi pinned Denki against the bed as the blonde struggled against his grasp, "Nooo staph!".

Hitoshi giggled as he wiped his face quickly.

"Noooo you messed it up, now I'm going to have to start all over!", The blonde whined before laughing as Hitoshi kissed over his collar bone, "To-ho-ha- Toshi! Stop that tickles, you're getting makeup all over me! Baby!".

"What what? I can't here you Denki, you're going to have speak up!", The other replied as he moved his hands that were pinning his boyfriend down and tickled the blonde's sides.

"Ah you're so evil! Hahahah, okay okay okay! I surrender!".

Hitoshi finally let him go and Denki pulled the taller one down by his neck, "We should probably wash your face".

"Mmh hmm and we should probably wash your neck".

Denki scoffs with a smile, "I hate you"

"No you don't".

"No, I don't".

Buzz buzz

Spaceybitch: Oh my god he's adorable! You need to do mine next. I want pink and glitter! 💗✨

DwaynetheROCK: Looking totes manly man! 🏋🏿‍♂️

Kittykatsuki: Ew.

Spider-Han: Dude that looks awsomeeeee. Denki is a young James Charles.

Kittykatsuki: Double ew.

Too-many-ears: Nice. 👍🏼

And that's it.

I hope you all enjoyed this book, hopefully it gave you some comfort. This is unfortunately the end of the skinkami train with Sleepy. But I bid you all with love, stay safe and never doubt yourselves. 

All love! <3


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