I think I have a little crush on you

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Aka: the strangers to lovers oneshot we all needed.

Warning: this one shot is long.

Some things to keep in mind before you read, this is a quirkless au. Denki is a stressed out and overworked journalist and Hitoshi is a lonely doctor. 

All spelling and grammar mistakes are my own.


"Míjo when are you going to settle down and bring in a wife or husband?", Denki's mother, Elcanta commented as they sat together in front of eachother at the Denny's. Denki had made an early trip down to Oklahoma to see his mom since it had been about a year since their last encounter for his best friend, Todoroki's, college graduation. He sighed as he had heard this question many times before.

"Mami, you ask me this everytime I see you".

"Uh huh- and?", The woman counters, "Everytime I do you always say the same thing: "I just haven't found the right person yet", but come on Míjo you'll be 26 next month, you need to settle down before it's too late".

"Well that's all I can say mama, I'm just not doing the dating thing right now".

Elcanta clicked her tongue against her teeth and rolled her eyes, she grabbed the soup on the plate and raised it to her lips, taking small sips from the hot bowl. "I'm not getting any younger Denki, I'm gonna need some little grandkids running around".

Denki laughed at that, he stirred his oatmeal with his spoon, "You can count on Eijirou for that then".

"Ai, Eijirou is planning to propose to Midoriya right? I hope those two have plenty of little ones running around the house".

"See? problem solved!".

"But you're my youngest child baby, I want you to have some kids as well, Denki groaned, "Don't act like that! I just want my son to be happy for the rest of his life".

"I'm very happy with Brownie and Cookie Mix thank you", Those were his two dogs, both mixed breeds. One a white and brown; Cookie Mix. And the other completely brown with shaggy ears; Brownie. They were the only thing in his life at the moment that kept him company. Besides his friends, but they had their own partners and jobs to tend to so he really stayed alone.

Denki quickly changed the subject to how his dogs and bunnies back at home were doing. Mama answered this questions and asked a few of her own about how his time in writing was doing. Denki is an author.. well.. he's more of a journalist, he writes for the New York Times which meant he was basically in everyone's business for everything. To be honest, he wanted nothing more then to write for his own company and let his creative juices flow through his words but it would probably take him to his forties to get to that point. So the blonde stuck to journalism, it was pretty boring but hey it paid the bills.

They finished up their breakfast and Denki helped his mother into her house before placing a kiss on her cheek and the roomies to call her after he got on his plane the next day. He drove back to his hotel quickly and sighed as he lied down on the perfectly poised and symmetrical beds. It was much different from what he has in New York. His house consisted of old broken records, scrapped writing, and many, many, McDonald's cheeseburger wrappers. Not to mention his bed was crooked off the wall since his desk was to big, but he could throw it away, he basically spent every night in that place. Typing away on the computer.

But whenever he travels he gets to feel the different kind of hotel room beds instead of his own. Denki gripped the pillow under his cheek as he recounted his conversation with his mother that day. Did he want to get in a relationship? He always did feel lonely at night, and yeah his dogs were great but that didn't mean he wouldn't like to feel someone else's fingers and arms around him. He wouldn't mind hearing someone call him, "Baby" or "Babe". Or being surprised with kisses over his necks and cheeks as he woke up in the morning. But would someone be able to deal with him? Denki could admit, he was a handful, he was diagnosed with ADHD during his younger years and had a bad tendency to overthink and over talk when he didn't mean to. And it doesn't help that a handful of the partners he'd been with in his time, especially the men, only wanted him for his body. Flattering? Yeah, but he's a hopeless romantic and he'd love it even more if someone got to know him, wanted him, before taking him apart in the bedroom.

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