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Night was Shinsou's favorite part of the day. He loves the feeling of sheets against his skin. The cold breeze cascading through the blinds and passing by his face. A smile always was placed on his lips.

Even now at his age, his back aching and his mind slowly leaving with age, he still enjoyed his night of sleep.

Because when he finally fell into the darkness that his eyelids crossed over his pupils, he was there. There where light finally met his face. There where warmth finally reached around his body.

"Welcome back, hunk".

Shinsou turns around, now no longer his older fragile self and instead him younger. A version of him that was stronger. One that could remember the face of his dear soulmate.

A smile paints his face as he sees the blonde, "Baby..", he sighs.

Denki giggles, his big yellow eyes filled with admiration and love, "I missed you".

Shinsou smirks in response as Denki runs a hand through his purple locks, "I missed you too blondie".

Denki reaches up, gently caressing Shinsou's cheek before bringing him down for a kiss. When they pull away he presses their foreheads together, holding the purple haired man's hand.

"Let's go home", he whispers.

Shinsou allows the man to lead him through the lightness.

This is why he loved night. He loved knowing that when the day was finally over, he would close his eyes and be with the love of his life again.

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